Work was done quickly, smoothly, and efficiently. Ingrid's fears had been partially laid to rest. No outrageous dishonor was needed here, just solid work - she gave a small huff of contentment. Congratulations would be needed on all their parts...even the tankers. Yes, she did notice that napalm round going off in the corner of her vision, because it'd be hard not to notice the largest firework of the day going off. It was...not the ideal way of dispatching the enemy, but it worked, and what else were they there for? In contrast to the grime and shock of the field that Reya was experiencing, the view from the [i]Ostroc's[/i] cockpit made it all seem quaint. The most attention she had thrown the way of the infantrymen down there was a flash of green light that evaporated a man with a missile launcher aimed at her, and with the last weapons sounding off between 'mech and enemy, it all but escaped her mind. It took her a moment to recognize the voice coming in on her comms, but it was clear enough. The slight Kuritan accent, hard to notice but never impossible, gave it away. [color=SteelBlue]"Copy, Sunflower. I will get him on that. Stay safe down there."[/color] That well-wish came across little stiff, but she's always stiff. Just as, and she couldn't stress it enough, [i]just as[/i] Giggles called out the arrival of air cavalry, so too did Raven manage to pick them up on visual. They're never slow like in the movies; they'll be on them in a moment's notice. Ingrid pulled over towards the shipping containers, and spoke on the comms again: [color=SteelBlue]"Good eye and good mind, respectively. Giggles, take out all air support first, then load up. Family Man, once we have all left, I need you to destroy the entrace to the base; fire into the ground and make it as hard as possible for them to come reclaim later."[/color] She made [i]Susser Tod[/i] perform a squat, which is far from the top of the list of what the designers of the machine intended - she could hear some groaning as the hip actuators strained in ways that they rarely had to in its centuries of service. Still, with the [i]Ostroc's[/i] long arms, it was easier than kneeling. A shipping container was taken in two hands like a strongman getting ready to toss a caber, and then she was off and out of the base. [color=SteelBlue]"We are moving out, Desperado. Don't stray too far from the APCs in case--[i]when[/i] something else turns up, but now we're hauling. Copy?"[/color] It was going to be a fraught few minutes for her. With the container blocking her weapon's ports, the only thing she could rely on were her 'mech's SRMs, and those would be pointless. Unless the air cav pilots felt suicidal enough for a low, sweeping dive on the giant robots today.