[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/y69OqEL.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220824/9a20345d30edfd2093f4d2eb2bb3621f.png[/img][/center] Lillian had woken up bright and early, as she often did. She never was one for sleeping in. After getting dressed, and eating breakfast, she spent the extra time she had brushing Apollo, her Togekiss’ feathers, and feeding him. It was her third year at the academy, and she was the princess to boot. It was on her to set an example for the younger students. It wouldn’t do for the future queen to be late. When it was time for lessons to begin, her and Apollo gracefully arrived. She was there with some of the other students, but apparently their were a few that were late. Forcing Kaizer to head for the dorms, Clearly, some of her classmates did not share the same respect for other people’s time as she did… Lillian did not pay the latecomers any mind, and focused on her drills for the day.