Name Alexis Markovia Omni-Woman Age 40 Height 6’6 Weight:160 Look:short brown hair with a white streak. Broad shoulders with muscle. She also has large breasts. Alexis dresses in a leotard with purple cape and thigh high boots. She always wears something purple Powers:same as Erica’s but much more powerful. Also slower aging. Other:mother to the Markovia siblings. She loves her status as being famous and powerful. Being the strongest she has a lot of say in the company. She also knows the company creates villains and causes disasters. She has done a few herself creating a tsunami that flooded LA. Alexis sees herself as a goddess and believes she should be treated as one. Humans are all pathetic ants to her. Alexis cares about her children, especially Alex. Almost to an obsessive degree This character will appear