"I hear girls like a little mystery," He teased back snidely, but didn't expand on it. They stepped onto the dock, the water lapping against the dock supports was as azure as it was clear. Multi-colored, very likely harmless fish floated beneath them and nipped at algae and seaweed that flowed languidly with the soft tide. The docks around them were sparsely populated, a few people milling besides water-crafts next to the space-faring ships that came and went. What Dirk had said was true, the place wasn't cheap. But it wasn't an exclusive dive for nobles or rich traders. More than a few spacers were enjoying their bonuses here. The harem women had proven to be quite the entrepreneurs and business women, turning the planet from a pleasure spot to a hotel with similar 'services' marketed for the traveling businessman. From what Dirk had heard, the previous harem girls had taken up as the the administration of the island and heads of security, but a few of them had 'taught' their previous profession to down on their luck girls that needed a place to lay their head and make a living. After hiring contractors to refurbish the place and make it accessible to the average spacer, its popularity had exploded. Even after the downturn following the collapse of the Terran government, business was still good, albeit slightly stagnate due to inflation and lack of funds from the average populace. Luckily for Jocasta and Dirk, they were gig workers. Politics didn't matter much to bounty hunters. They made their way into the cooled, purified air of the hotel. Across the bottom floor, the walls and doors touching fresh air were all made of glass to see the vast ocean and the great 'Arch-Reefs,' tall bio-organic spires that looked like the rib cages of massive beasts that spiked out of the water a few hundred meters from shore. Tourists loved to swim over to them and leap off the top protrusions. Dirk made his way over to one of the front desks, Jocasta following his lead. They waited for a few moments for the brunette lady at the desk to finish a task she was occupied with before turning from her console and adjusted her glasses. She cleared her throat, shaking her head to move a fringe of her hair before starting with: "Welcome to the Venustus Prospectus, one of our lauded and luxurious-..." She blinked twice when she laid eyes on Dirk, her voice trailing off. The woman's mouth opened as if in a question, and then it turned into a smile. "Dirk! Hello, been a long time. You're looking good," She greeted him happily. Her hands, courteously clasped together to politely introduce herself to new people, were pulled back behind the desk as she cleared her throat once again. Her bewilderment was mixed with something hard to gauge. "I didn't think we would ever see you again. How did you...?" "Amber, always a pleasure." Dirk replied, placing his hands on the desk. "Tell Sal I said hi." "I will, but-" "The usual suite please." He asked, and when she nodded her consent, he lifted a hand from the desk and pulled a chip out from a port in the chest of his armor, presenting it to her to take. She did so, swallowing what she was going to inquire and typing furiously away in the computer, inserting the chip into it. Small 'dings' rose as she coordinated the information. "I didn't come with the usual ship. Jocasta is my plus one and partner. We'll only be a couple of days." "Partner?" She asked, raising an eyebrow and handing the chip back to him. He took it, even the other guests talking and walking through the large room were deafeningly quiet. The chip inserting back into the port was actually audible to the three of them, the 'ffft' of air escaping. "Yeah, long story."