1875 Nagomi Castle Yayama Colony Several clans came here to lay claim to new lands and eventually make these colonies their own as a province of the Empire. However, the natives of these isles to the south, the [i]Furin[/i], a bird like people similar to harpies, proved to be troublesome. They knew the terrain better and fought to their strengths. In the end only three clans stayed, better tempered and led by much better negotiators. They were able to gain the support of the furin but only just. It has been five years since the bloodshed of the first foray. The memories of the first few months are hard to forget, the brutality that took place on both sides are particularly fresh in the mind. Nagao Ryuji, the daimyo of the Nagao clan and the current governor general of the colony of Yayama appointed by the Matsukaze Karasu the emperor of Ikagai, called a meeting in the great mountain stronghold of Nagomi. The aggressive nature of Ikagai have had them pour more and more men into the region to reinforce their holdings in Yayama. The island itself has many names, but the Ikagai calls it Yayama after the colony. Many foreign forces have flooded into these small islands and it concerns the Emperor that some of them are known to be aggressive themselves. Ryuji wants to use this momentum and push eastwards across Yayama island and establish new mines, railroads, and settlements. The two other clan heads here arrived, Yamamoto Fujino and Akagane Nobuhide. Additionally, local furin leaders like Daodao Gono also took interest in these meetings as the relationship between the furin and the Ikagai people have been rather uneventful the past two years. While relationship between the two people is shaky, they nonetheless understand that if they do not resolve their issues with a little bit of trust and respect that they will once again fall into that violent cycle of annihilation. The congregation of retainers, advisors, diplomats, and of course the daimyos themselves filled the courtyard. The castle grounds had a gravelly courtyard with many trees growing, surrounding, and covering parts of the castle. They walked as they talked about the Emperor's concerns. Ryuji started the conversation, "We have been presented with a very valid concern from the homeland..." Ryuji turned his head to look back at the two other daimyos. He had an impressive seven foot frame, a rarity in Oni, Nobuhide and Fujino stood in his shadow. "... Over the five years we have stayed here foreigners have staked their claims and have grown ever closer to our borders. We have been left alone for the most part but for how long?" "The Emperor calls for us to make war?" Nobuhide kept one hand on his sword, he spoke with confidence and a straightforwardness that could be misconstrued as rudeness. "If so, I can gather my army and march on them. They've been an eyesore across the water ever since they've gotten here." Fujino echoed Nobuhide's sentiments, "There is no guarantee that they will leave us alone forever, after all, we too possess a more than modest amount of manarite." Elegantly, Ryuji faced both of them as they arrived in one of the many gardens in the inner keep. "So we are all of the same mind. But we must secure our hold here on this island first. Let us use our new forces to renew our campaign eastward." It was at this time Daodao made his voice heard, "You would pull the furin into another war?" Ryuji directed his gaze towards Daodao, he was a rather old furin, large wings on his back acted like a cape to shield him from the elements but as a result his feathers looked rugged and raggedy. Ryuji, a governor before soldier, recognized him and dignified his presence with a reply, "War is inevitable whether it be with or without the Ikagai. In these times, it is hard to stand together, but I promise you, not all foreigners are so quick to understand the error of their ways." Ryuji turned to a flower growing on one of the low hanging branches. He held his hand out and plucked it from the branch, "We here may not share all of our ideals, but we are willing to put aside differences for the sake of our continued cooperation..." he held the flower towards Daodao, "... Like this flower, we are only just beginning to see the most beautiful parts of our partnership. But..." he then crushed it in his hand, "... This is also when it is most vulnerable. Whether it be because of our distrust of each other or the threat of foreign powers, it can fall apart, it can be crushed. We must stand together now more than ever." his hand released its deathly grasp and let the petals and the flowers fall to the ground. Daodao stared at the flower. For a moment he was silent and just as Ryuji and the others thought he had nothing else to say, "... The furin will protect our ancestral land, but we will only go as far as that." Ryuji understood where Daodao and the furin stood. They had seen the horrors of war, it was only natural that they'd avoid it. Humanity was much the same before they mingled with oni and created the empire. Nobuhide nodded and let out a satisfied huff, "Your people impressed me the first time we fought. Your people continue to impress me now. Your spirit is insurmountable." Daodao turned to Nobuhide and said, "... If only that meant we were as free as you." "Soon you will be, that was the promise that we made." Fujino replied. He then looked to Ryuji, "However, this campaign eastward may put us in direct contact with Fenice." Ryuji then said, "We will first be open to them, but if they get in the way of our ambitions then we crush them for the sake of the Emperor and the empire." "I volunteer my men to be the vanguard." Nobuhide placed a fist on his chest. "Very well, the Akagane clan will be the tip of the spear for our expansion east." Ryuji said. Fujino revealed his gunbai out of his sleeves, "Then my men will follow and secure the territory with the aid of the furin." he looked to Daodao. Daodao simply bowed and said, "The furin will help you secure their homeland, but many of the tribes may still be against you." "Daodao, that is why you and your men will be needed. Some of you need to go ahead of the main force and assure them that we mean no harm." Ryuji then approached Daodao and bowed his head as a sign of respect, "We may have stood on opposite sides, but you have stood against us with honor. We will honor you and your people, it is true that they may not trust us, but that is why I defer to your guidance and place myself in your hands." Nobuhide and Fujin were surprised and so was Daodao. Daodao was a recognized leader among the furin, but to bow ones head to them signifies a higher form of respect. Daodao understood what this meant, Ryuji placed him among his equals. Nobuhide and Fujin could not believe their eyes, for them this meant that Daodao, a furin savage was considered their equals. "Nagao. What is this? An insult!?" Nobuhide put his hand on the hilt of his blade and readied himself. Fujin closed his eyes and bowed along with Ryuji. "Akagane-san, if we are to work together, we must acknowledge that they too have the same potential as we." Nobuhide glared at the three of them as Ryuji's bodyguard closed in on Nobuhide. He gripped the hilt hard before letting go, "You better not dishonor us down Daodao." "Unlike you, this is my homeland. My people will fight and die to defend it." Daodao met Nobuhide's eyes, matching his glare with a cold stare. "Then we have an agreement." Ryuji's bodyguard stood down and the four of them strolled into the castle, "Now let us have some tea."