[@Zim0cron] Sonia felt her confidence restored when the elf approached her to say such kind words. [color=a187be]"Any help will be appreciated and since building shelter will be one of our priorities, that could prove valuable." [/color] She paused, and had they were not mere acquaintances, she would have affectionately ruffled her hair and give the promise to protect. But now, she would settle with just a warm and reassuring smile. [color=a187be]"And miss Vivian, thank you for trusting me."[/color] [@Eviledd1984] The mage with the goat mask finally shared his opinion. Quite a hasty plan, essentially similar to what the black-haired fellow had previously suggested, and Ember responded to this plan and raised a valid point. Fresh water, another priority they have to secure immediately. However, the opinion was challenged by a certain... woman? Teenager? Clad in an orange bright overalls that seemed to have been salvaged from a certain someone's container. She raised another important point; doing any exploration was a gamble with uncertain rewards, but it had to be done. Sooner or later they would need water, and they couldn't always rely on coastal vegetation to sustain their daily intake. The majority seemed to have favored the exploration to be held as soon as possible, for any reason that had nothing to do with surviving. How did she know? A hunter's intuition perhaps. It was not like she was completely against the idea, but treating it as a mere adventure was inadvisable. When the demoness considered every option available, the crowd became more vocal with their individual opinions. A certain young woman suggested they should look for the captain first, which was a sound plan, if only they know where to look for. The beach exploration sound quite feasible actually. Then there was the quartermaster's turn. Then the nobleman and his unreasonable demand. Then everything becomes more chaotic. Was this madness? Nah, just democracy. Then this one particular survivor who was so relentless with his advance. She admitted he was rather handsome, and it was actually rare for a human male to be interested in her in [i]that[/i] way. Whatever it means, Sonia was not used to it, and now was not the time either. Between the hectic discussion below and the man's wooings, Sonia had had enough and retreated, politely dismissing Ryland's advance by gesturing that she will get back to him in a moment. That moment passed, and Sonia, now armed with her crossbow returned to the podium, eyes observing the commotion with a murderous glint, and within a swift aim, opened fire at the sand next to the nobleman. The bolt landed with forceful impact, hurling sands at the nobleman and his page. Was that magic or a technological marvel, it was a company secret, courtesy of Alhazen Industry. Now, as the man's attention now diverted to the demoness, she already had a bolt loaded. Finally, some quiet, and Sonia enjoyed this brief tranquility as she gradually lower her weapon. [color=a187be]"That bolt can take down a wendigo with a single shot. Has everyone here ever seen a wendigo?!"[/color] she yelled, nobody answered, so she continued calmly. [color=a187be]"A nasty, big, green, bipedal menace, very territorial. But the pelt is a very prized commodity."[/color] "Like a bigfoot?" one of the sailors cracked, to Sonia's amusement. [color=a187be]"Yes, similar to that! Petty smart fellow aren't you?" [/color] The praise left the sailor grinning ear to ear. Sonia then returned to the crowd, particularly to Landon. [color=a187be]"Now, I beg your pardon, I am not one to use violence to make a point, but certainly, a little sand hardly counts as one, don't we all agree?" [/color] [color=a187be]"All right then, now that all of us have agreed to put that little distraction behind us, I think it's my turn to speak. It will be a bit obvious, so please bear with me. I am a hunter, which means I make a living by surviving in the wilderness. Now I don't claim to be the expert on every terrain, if you think you are better than me, you should speak up, and tell us your plan, if there is none..." [/color] There was a brief pause, and Sonia glared directly at the pompous nobleman. [color=a187be]"Well, don't let me stop you. If you want to be a king, so be it. But the king is nothing without his subjects and who will be the subject of your rule, milord? Obviously not this humble venerer, neither those sailors after their derisive commentary to your rule. Are we traitors now? Go ahead and arrest us then. Can you even enforce your rule with sticks and harsh language?" [/color] She snickered, scorning the very being of that nobleman almost like how a demon should. [color=a187be] "Of course you can't. This is my hunting ground, not your court. I have a weapon and expertise, you don't. Now have you ever seen a Wendigo? They have horns, just like me." [/color]