[center][h3]Isaac Holcomb[/h3][/center] [hr][hr] Snow, that's all that lay before him. Hills upon hills of it, an endless sea of icy white whose maddening uniformity was broken only by the natural differences in elevation, terrain, and the occasional fliting of small black specks in his peripheral vision. The drones he'd sent out earlier were still hard at work surveying the area it seemed, and he spared one of them a passing glance in order to check the readout it displayed in his field-of-vision. Since all of its systems were still nominal, he turned his attention back to the task at hand. Grabbing one end of the feedstock cube Hermes had provided, an altogether featureless thing that reminded him of the tasteless nutrient cubes many people had taken to consuming back on Earth, he hoisted it overhead and began the trek back to his subterranean lair. As he went, however, Isaac began to contemplate a rather serious matter. That being where he should send his army now that he was awake. Olympus was still as tempting a target as ever naturally, especially since all his crewmates and their replacements would be gathered there, but it would also be the move most of them suspected given his previous campaigns. No, Holcomb wanted to do something unexpected. Something that would throw them into disarray, catch them by complete surprise. He couldn't assault the I.R.I.S. itself of course, as Hermes kept the damn thing on the move, but that didn't necessarily leave him lacking for targets. If anything it presented him with several options he wouldn't have considered before. Options that had suddenly become [i]extremely[/i] viable thanks to Zeus' summons. And the most attractive of these locations just so happened to be the supervault Konrad ran, as it was filled to the brim not only with facilities he could make use of but obscene quantities of biomass that could be utilized as feedstock. Sure, the defenses the vault currently had in place would doubtless be an issue, but then again so were the defenses in place around Olympus - and those hadn't managed to deter him from his past attempts either. Yes, out of every target he could hit, the so-called "Underworld" would be the most profitable to his future endeavors. His mind set, Isaac got to work as soon as he returned to his hideout. First processing the cube of feedstock he'd been given before activating his army, some half-a-million members strong not counting recon drones, and commanding them to make their way south. The drones would go first to scout for any traps or emplacements, in addition to clearing the various tunnels that led down to the supervault itself, and they would be followed shortly after by the actual army. An army which was currently pouring over the frozen hills, tearing through icy valleys, and across craggy mountains on all fours like some manner of hellish animals. Moving with such speed and ferocity that they appeared as little more than a featureless blur to the mortal eye. It would take them days to reach the domain of Hades yet--even with their maximum speed of around eighty miles per hour--though Holcomb reasoned this to be a sensible delay given the timing of things. Fletcher's death and appointment of his new heir would undoubtedly be a very time consuming ordeal, what with the amount of inane politicking and maneuvering his former crewmates liked to do, so it stood to reason that his forces would be able to slip in while Konrad was away and take at least a bit of territory. Or, barring that, smuggle some feedstock and weapons back north. Making his way to the tunnel's entrance, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8IXiDaEfRk]Holcomb watched as his warforms began the long march south.[/url]