[@myinneroblivion] [hr] Just as The Jersey Devil peered into the dingy room, Paul saw Jacob's vaguely humanoid silhouette and soulless lenses of the gasmask that protected his identity. It was reasonable for Paul to immediately go into a panic and scrambling away from the window, knocking over and scattering the trash he had the responsibility of cleaning. "Manny! MANNY! Monster outside your window! KILL IT!" "Wait...what?" Manny, dumbfounded, asked incredulously before turning to see what Paul was seeing. Initially, the sight startled the founder of the CHAMP, and was ready to fight for his life, but after a moment or two of processing what he was looking at he finally realized who it was outside his window. It was the same guy from one of the application emails! "Paul. Calm down. That ain't no monster." Manny said to his friend before excitedly approaching the window to open it and let Jacob in. "This is one of the newest recruits of CHAMP. THE JERSEY DEVIL!" Manny announced with arms outstretched and hands shaking jazzily to the open window.