Wind cracked like a gunshot as Bouncer’s leg hit the ant woman’s back, air rushing back to fill the space she just was as she vanished again, reappearing down the road before teleporting again and reappearing on the side of a building, then vanishing again to reappear on the roof of a car. The other woman didn’t so much as flinch from the impact, simply raising her shotgun to track Bouncer around the street, listening for the sound of her appearing and disappearing as the only cue to her location. The gun found its mark, only to lose it in the same instant, forcing the ant woman to pivot back and forth in place, constantly looking for Bouncer’s next landing point. “Anyone ever tell you that’s really annoying?” she called out, her voice half-filled with gravel. “No.” Bouncer reappeared behind the woman just long enough to strike her leg against the back of the ant woman’s skull loud enough for the impact to echo down the street and the windforce to send up a cloud of dust, then vanished again. “You’re gonna break your legs before you break me, girl.” The ant woman gave a theatrical shrug of her shoulders to exemplify the point. Her ears twitched at the telltale sound of air being suddenly displaced, and she turned on a dime, shotgun flying up and finger squeezing against the trigger. “So [i]why don’t you give up?!”[/i] Buckshot pitted the street and nearby cars, but no irritating teleporters. The ant woman clicked her tongue, wheeling around to point the gun the opposite direction. Nothing. “Did you [i]actually[/i] run away?!” she taunted into the empty air. “Nope.” The ant woman reacted in an instant, pivoting on the ball of her foot while her upper right hand angled the shotgun upward without raising her arm - anticipating the need to fire point-blank into the air. Instead, she felt her body list backwards, gravity beginning to assert itself on her- [i]The bitch had fucking tripped her![/i] She twisted as she fell to catch herself, feeling something in her ankle crack just before her hands hit the ground. The stimulus of the ant woman’s palms slapping against gravel was chased by the impact of a metal pole against the side of her face. “Oh, shit,” Bouncer tittered, admiring how the stop sign had bent nearly all the way back on itself before tossing it aside. The ant woman lunged for her, only to stumble into open air. She struggled to keep her balance, favoring her twisted ankle. “What are you, a horse?” Bouncer mocked, planting her foot against the small of the ant woman’s back and pushing her over. “Should I call the glue factory?” The ant woman caught herself on the side of a car before hitting the ground, a dark smirk creeping across her face. “Make your jokes, bitch,” she hissed, putting her foot back on the ground and testing her weight on it. Her grip tightened against the roof of the car, forcing dents into its surface. “While you [i]can!”[/i] With a heave she raised the car into the air with her two left hands, sending it hurtling down the street like a comet. Bouncer teleported out of the way at the last second, reappearing on the other side of the street only for the ant woman herself to slam into her with the force of a professional linebacker. Bouncer went tumbling down the sidewalk, coming to a stop when her back slammed into one of the cop cars that had done its best to be a barricade. Bouncer gasped for air as the wind was forced from her lungs, every part of her body screaming out at once. Her head spun, and she squeezed her eyes shut to try and regain some sense of herself. “I forgot to compliment your hockey mask!” the ant woman’s voice was muffled, distant. Bouncer pulled her legs back under herself, trying to get back to her feet only to be thwarted by the feeling of a boot on her back, forcing her back down. [i]“You’re the disc, right?”[/i] “It’s called a puck,” Bouncer retorted weakly, forcing one eye open. If she could get away- [b][i]“I didn’t ask!!”[/i][/b] The ant woman’s leg pressed down like a hydraulic press, hard enough to crater the asphalt beneath her. A silence fell over the street, despite the chaos echoing from the rest of the city. The ant woman brought her foot back into line with the other, squinting down at the ground before raising her eyes to scan the area around her. “Slippery little shit…” she cursed under her breath. The ant woman turned and walked back down the street toward where her gun had fallen. The little rabbit had gotten away, but that was fine. The order was just to buy time, after all, and in the state that girl was in now, she wasn’t going to be a problem for anyone any time soon. Possibly never again, if her back was broken. The ant woman grinned in satisfaction at the idea, leaning down to pick up her gun. Back to hunting, now. Why did she smell burning ozone? Bouncer hit the ant woman like a ballistic missile, face contorted in a manic grin and her body wreathed in violent lightning. The energy within her exploded outward at the same moment they made contact, sending the ant woman flying down the street, through the blockaded police vehicles and embedding her in the wall of the building on the opposite side. Bouncer staggered, trying to stay standing with one arm hanging limp and black at her side. “Ffffffffffffffffffuuuuuck you,” she slurred, raising a middle finger with her other arm. And then fell face-first into the street.