When Levia resolved herself to breeding chimeras, she was also unaware of just how...messy of a process that would wind up being. Between unmentionable fluids, eggshells, corpses, blood, shed skin, and any number of various unique messes made, Levia was basically a glorified janitor until she bred intelligent enough Chimera to help. It was a good thing her slimes were willing to help out breaking down all the crap, otherwise...well, it'd be a health hazard to rival her poison breath. The annoyance that was the overgrown rust-breathing dragon was a nuisance that Levia was fully intending to swat once she wasn't busy with literal babysitting. Babysitting abominations against God, but...still, babysitting. Luckily for her, the emergency meeting was called when a majority of her prototype chimeras were still asleep, so they wouldn't eat each other while she wasn't there. Still unused to her human form, Levia would hesitate to sit before realizing her hips were still human-sized and lacking a whole other set of limbs and sat down. [color=c4df9b][b]"I'm assuming this is about that giant dragon that's been harrassing us for a week. ...If we're making a plan to deal with it, we should avoid using metal weapons. Heh, if anything, I might be the best suited to bring it down,"[/b][/color] Levia said, making slight punching motions. [color=c4df9b][b]"I've tried poisoning the air when it makes passes, but I think it might be immune,"[/b][/color] Levia added.