“At least three of you, then? Man, how annoying.” "Thanks, I get that a lot." Diarmi didn't even sound sarcastic, clambering to the top of the building he'd been clinging to. The other rooftop wasn't far at all, and the only other way to reach him felt a bit too much (like, ok, maybe it was a matter of 'hey that guy's human-shaped. that feels like murder' and maybe that wasn't entirely fair considering Diarmi had no issue swinging the ax through the bird-monsters, but flinging the ax at him just felt wrong). He crossed the gap to the next building with ease and took a moment to survey the gap between the current rooftop and the next, where the stranger stood. "We'll be better when we can be face to face. Think we can put him to sleep." Agmundr sounded thoughtful, likely surveying the situation alongside the still-living boy. "Though there's a lot to be said for the element of surprise." Diarmi would've shrugged, if it wouldn't look like to everyone else he was shrugging at nothing. He was best at being the center of attention And it'd be wise to make the most of this chance. "So, the purple stuff's anime?" he asked, purposefully mispronouncing the word in hopes of activating the man's "well actually" mode - the way people got when they knew better than you and you were so ignorant that it somehow managed to hurt them. "It's interchangeable, right? Because I saw some get scooped out of a woman and get put back in a guy when I axed one of your bird-people, let me tell you." He tried to casually swing the ax, nearly dropped it, and hoped the action went unnoticed. And also hoped that the knight-girl was doing something with the vase, and that he was holding the guy's attention successfully. "Those aren't the best you got, right?" The second the words exited his mouth, he regretted them - he'd read enough comics to know that only encouraged the bad guy to do something worse. Uh, salvaging, while he waited for Agmundr to tell him how to actually throw a punch so he could knock the guy out. "Because they're way too good for you, really." Yup. Nailed it. "If you're done chatting with the enemy, check your other hand," Agmundr said. Diarmi tried to shrug casually to steal a glance. "I mean, that hair and outfit? Come on." He still had the ax, unchanged, in his left hand, but in his right hand were now... grains? He closed his fingers over them as he let his arms drop, fingers closing over the grains. They felt more like flour than sand. "Those should incapacitate him." Oh, heck yeah. No cracking bones here, he wasn't quite ready for that. "But, anyways, so if you-" Diarmi cut himself off, taking the long-planned (by his standards) jump and flinging the spores at the stranger.