Rareth pulled up a screen in front of her and quickly navigated through to her translator’s software. “I doubt your translators have the proper linguistic libraries to be able to interpret a dead Rothian language. One moment, I can pass you a software package to update them.” There was a short delay while they addressed their communication issues. Even with updated language packages, the translation would not be seamless enough to make the conversation seem as natural as usual, but the software did at least stop throwing most of its translation warnings. They could still hear Brasikha’s natural voice somewhat muffled in the background after Rareth signaled him that they were ready. “If you can now understand our communication, I say that I understand why you wish to keep our secret from our possible allies. In the struggles of nations, truth and lies are valuable currencies both. So often, our diplomacy lives somewhere betwixt the two. It is…expected. Every nation keeps their own secrets and covets those of others, even their own allies. They do not…take offense at this reality.” Brasikha’s voice was firm, though not quite aggressive. The voice that the Humans’ translators gave him was more even-toned, with less emotion and emphasis than what they could hear in the background from him. Perhaps it was more fitting to his body language, or lack thereof. There was no pacing, fidgeting, or even the smallest of movements, as he stood almost like a statue while he spoke. “But this lie holds far more weight than the usual games of politics and posturing. The truth we hold in our possession is a reason to fear not just for our lives, but for their lives as well. For our potential allies. It is true we do not have certainties; it could be that there is no true threat to us. But, there lies the possibility that all life in our galaxy will find its existence in jeopardy. That is not the common lie. The stakes are not political standing and economic advantage; the stakes are the continuity of civilization. To lie to them here would give them the right to take offense. We seek to build an alliance, scientifically, militarily, but to found that alliance on falsehoods here would be as to build a fortress on a foundation of sand.”