[quote=@Marmalised Junk] Anya stared at the chaos, trying to register what was happening. She was about to do something when she noticed a wraith grabbing, or perhaps clawing at her bare foot. Anya shrieked, attempting to fly off, but being held in place. She was trying to rush in every direction, grasping around in the air for help. Without thinking, she tried to bite the wraith, the girl wasn't sure if it could actually be bitten, but she tried anyway. During this, she was constantly shrieking [color=ed145b]"Help!!"[/color] in the Hope's someone would help her out with the terrifying creature. [/quote] Lyren spared a glance. A single glance, and the wraith was gone, having been seemingly turned into a chair. They then returned to their game as though nothing had even happened.