[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/979587132333129768/1012863218693181511/Arsene_Header.png[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/979587132333129768/1012870885746692147/Arsene.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center][h1][color=gold][u]Fields of Fire[/u][/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [color=Gold]Mentions/Interaction:[/color] Queen Eleanor [@Force and Fury], Caelum [@RezonanceV], Maerec [@Dao Ma], and the others I have missed. Arsène came alone in his travels, many who would have answered the call were already called far before him. Arsène was not a knight, he was to be but his titles and honor was stripped from him long before he was able to be knighted. So he made travel alone upon hearing the calls for King Arcel of Parrance like most commoners would. Yet Arsene did not make his way to Relouse immediatly, however, he decided to start rallying and focusing his resources towards getting people ready to leave. The Eskandr were not a horde to be broken upon Relouse, they would rather burn the lands, gain something from this before returning to their home. Either Relouse Breaks or the Eskandr horde will break out into the mainlands of Parrance. And Exactly as he thought, Eskandr spread across the green lands, yet they found nothing they were searching for. They found no great bounty, no great wealth, those were to come long after their arrival. So in the same fashion he lost his ancestral home, a home loved by his mother, Fields of Fire covered all that was Parrance. Arsène made way to meet the larger forces that were to be found chasing the Eskandr down. Arsène made his way toward Port Morilles, as he met with Queen Eleanor and rode the rest of the way toward Port Morilles. There he found the destruction that he was used to, Eskandr break through like varmint, creating a small hole, and soon they infest everything they touch, eating and rotting everything else, while shitting and stinking everything. Soon it came to what is to be done, should they chase the Eskandr down, they were no farther ahead than a solid travel, while there are fires burning and people under the cliff to fall. Arsène wished he could complete it all, yet it was time they had nothing of. Arsène was not gifted enough to be able to assist in a meaningful way with the cliffs, nor the fires, so he did what he could to assist. Blood mages and force users were to be deployed to stop the cliffs from falling, masters of the flames were to clear the burning castle, so Arsène had nothing other than to do what he could. He asked the Queen to travel forth, even with an army or on his own to track the Eskandr and report all that could be found, if not harass them a bit. [hider] I am posting this to show my continued want to be in Fields of Fire, just haven't posted for it so now here it is. [/hider]