[center][i]For centuries, the Digital World has known nothing but peace. There have been small incidents in the past, handled by humans known as 'digidestined' while the Sovereigns kept peace in their territory and Yggdrasil kept the land alive. Even then, there was no problem so great that the digimon could not call upon a Sovereign or the Royal Knights to keep them safe. Lives were rarely, if ever, actually in danger of being lost, and no damage done could not be fixed with time and energy. Truly, the Digital World was one of prosperity and well-being. This was all before the Sovereigns vanished, replaced by unusually powerful Megas known only as the Tyrants. They disrupted the land, destroying the balance of their new territories according to their own selfish whims. With the Sovereigns nowhere to be found and unable to answer the calls of the ailing digimon, Yggdrasil sent out what Royal Knights it could to help. Once they all left, the demonic Necrowisemon attacked the Server Tree, intent on making Yggdrasil's power his own. Worse yet, he had Sovereign cores - he had been the one responsible for making the Sovereigns vanish, a monumental task achieved solely to distract the Royal Knights from his true target. It was only the quick actions of Qilinmon, taking Yggdrasil far away from the Server Tree, that robbed Necrowisemon of his victory. Doing so, however, forced Yggdrasil to sever its connection to the Server Tree and allow the Tyrants to execute their full wrath on the lands they now claimed as their own. The Royal Knights were no longer able to contact each other or the Server Tree. Yggdrasil and the Sovereigns are missing. The Royal Knights are separated. Necrowisemon has the Server Tree. Welcome to the Digital World.[/i][/center] Rules: [list][*]Be respectful of each other and each other's time. I am operating under the assumption that we all are capable of being mature and have real-world obligations. I may post a reminder from time to time, but it's more to ask that everything's alright and to keep track of things than a demand to post. In addition, I know there may be disagreements from time to time, both in and out of character. For out-of-character, please try to recognize people will have differing opinions and be mature; I will intervene if disagreements devolve into bullying. For in-character, unless there is reason to suspect OOC disagreements are leaking through, please keep in mind it's likely not personal. [*]Related, if you can't post for a while, please let us know. [*]I consider myself pretty flexible and willing to do different things if a player asks, but if I say no, odds are good you can't change my mind. Still, I'm willing to hear out most any idea. [*]If you're confused by something, please ask either in thread or via PM. [*]Rules are subject to change, though with notice. [*]There are a couple of points we need to hash out: [list][*]the role of the humans (more direct like Frontier’s spirit evolution, more off to the side like Adventure/02 evolutions, or a mix like Tamer’s biomerge(1 vote)) [*]locales visited (there are five major areas - the Server Tree, the North, the East, the South, and the West, but it’s somewhat undecided if the rp will cover the trips between these areas)[/list][/list] Points of Interest for players: [list][*]Your goal will be to eliminate Tyrants, restore stability to each region, and discover what happened to the Sovereigns. Optional goals may include determining what Necrowisemon's next move is and how to separate him from the Sovereign cores he stole along with your digivices. [*]First post will be in the Digital World, with your digivices being taken. Digivices are formed from some electronic item that was on your person when you arrived. [list][*]What happens after that is up to you guys: you can move on, or pursue the thieves. Regardless, you'll have some opportunity in the rp to retrieve your digivices. Moving on will, well, advance things more quickly. Pursuing the thieves will allow you to meet some very important NPCs.[/list] [*]Humans, partner digimon, and wild digimon can also collect items - they can be equipped to a digimon's form to provide a new type of attack, a new weapon, armor, digivolution, etc. (think something like Tamers' card scanners but more permanent) They can also be swapped between digimon or 'stored' in the digivice. [*]Regardless of whatever your digimon situation ends up being, beating a Tyrant will require some strategy. [*]I intend to play any encountered Knights, though I am open to characterization suggestions. Don't expect a lot of direct help - their hands are full enough just trying to keep things stable.[/list] Character sheets: [hider=Human character][code][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] (description or image ok) [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] (I’ll allow anywhere between 12 and 21) [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] [u][b]Brief Bio:[/b][/u] [u][b]Sovereign Connection:[/b][/u] (Pick 1 of 4; effects may influence special equipment) [u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] (this will include items gained throughout the rp) [u][b]Miscellaneous:[/b][/u][/code][/hider] [hider=Main Partner][code][u][b]Digimon Species:[/b][/u] (Champion or Perfect preferred) [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] (description or image ok) [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] [u][b]Digivolution Line:[/b][/u] (Up to Perfect) [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] [u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] (this will include items gained throughout the rp) [u][b]Attacks:[/b][/u] (mostly if your digimon of choice either has 4+ attacks or ill-defined moves; please limit to 3 max) [u][b]Miscellaneous:[/b][/u][/code][/hider] [hider=’Feral’ Digimon][code][u][b]Digimon Species:[/b][/u] (Rookie or Champion please) [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] (description or image ok) [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] [u][b]Digivolution Line:[/b][/u] (Up to Perfect) [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] [u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] (this will include items gained throughout the rp) [u][b]Attacks:[/b][/u] (mostly if your digimon of choice either has 4+ attacks or ill-defined moves; please limit to 3 max) [u][b]Miscellaneous:[/b][/u][/code] [/hider]