[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/xpgjjfl.jpg[/img[/img] [url=https://fontmeme.com/cursive-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220331/5a11c585d67b1a8a656f66d0ef68cb9a.png[/img][/url] [color=1e4fff]Time:[/color] 9:20-9:30 (Just before Roman meets with Count Calbert) [color=1e4fff]Location: [/color] Damien Estate / Park [color=1e4fff]Interaction:[/color] Roman[@ReusableSword], Pricilla[@mellowdy] [color=1e4fff]Mentions:[/color] Mayet and Nala[@13org], Charlotte[@princess], Lorenzo[@FunnyGuy] [/center] Crystal took a bit longer than she requested of course. With her hair being a monster to tame and getting completely dressed. She grabbed two books when she finished and wrapped her arms around them before walking out into the waiting room. She sighed and looked at her father, who was standing with four people. Three large men, and one woman. She smiled at them. She already knew the [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/04/b6/fb/04b6fba914604233cfcca5937a7910a9.jpg]woman[/url], a tall redhead with a stoic expression on her face, breaking only with a tiniest of smirks at seeing Crystal. Her name was Liah Gibbs, and has been a guard for the family ever since Crystal was little. She was so close to the family that Crystal felt she was more like a protective older sister than a guard. Strict but kind, with a glare that would make a grown man whimper. It's true, Crystal saw it first hand. Beside her was the other [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/9a/e2/3f/9ae23f9a65296a1f44c8679ebbf7e3cc.jpg]guard [/url] she saw as family as well. Jacob Gibbs was impossible to miss, as he stood at 6’11. He easily could have been mistaken for a bear standing on its hind legs. With long brown hair and a full beard with a few beads braided into it that came to his chest. As soon as he saw Crystal he grinned.[color=2A7E2E] “Took ye long enuf. Thought ye might’ve gotten distracted wif ye tipey eh..watcha call it…” [/color] [color=BA0505]“Type writer dear…” [/color]Liah said softly [color=2A7E2E]“AYE THAT.” [/color]he said with a hearty chuckle. He pointed to Crystal's hat. [color=2A7E2E]“Ey I love the hat! It suits yu.” [/color]He blinked and said as an after thought. [color=2A7E2E]“Mehbeh I should get me a hat like that...?” [/color]He said looking to his wife Liah who gave him a simple look. [color=2A7E2E]“Ahh yer right. Not very practical. But it’s gunna be a sunny day…It be nice and co-”[/color] Liah blinked and tilted her head ever so slightly. [color=2A7E2E]“Right… nope. Nev’r mind meh.”[/color] Jacob said, as he straightened up and looked away from his wife to Crystal. Getting the clear message to shut up. After being introduced to the two new guards, Crystal gave her father a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Just as a servant came up and announced that Lord Ravenwood was at the gate. This was her que to leave. She quickly made for the door, her guards in tow. As the door opened and the fresh air blew in she took a deep breath. It was then she saw Lord Ravenwood by the gate still. Hesitating for a moment, as a flash of his face angry with her last night popped into her mind. She shook it from her head and strode forward, remembering that Jacob and Liah were just behind her. Her arms wrapped around her two books as she walked quite quickly towards him. Roman waited for the guard to check his paperwork wondering quietly if he was stalling on purpose. He was about to question the man when he noticed movement at the front of the house. the ever elegant form of Crystal Damien strode out carrying a few books with her. yet she was not alone, a tall lean woman with red hair stepped out after her. her confidence and physique shouted soldier, experienced too. the one bringing up the rear caught him off guard, you could say it was the man's height, build, or giant looming ax. but for Roman he was familiar, he knew the man was from Emberstone or at least the area. The look of puzzlement couldn't quite clear his face as they got closer. Crystal uneasiness grew while she got closer and he didn't move. He just stood there. She realized he wasn't going to move and came to a sudden stop. She honestly did not want to speak with him. Not after last night. She didn't look up at him, but simply stared through his chest. Her arms tighten around her books. She cleared her throat softly.[color=1e4fff] "L-Lord Ravenwood." [/color]She hesitantly said while Jacob towered over her and glared at Roman, His lips twisted as if he just tasted something spoiled. his eyes never leaving Romans. It was clear that he heard Crystal call him Ravenwood, but it seemed that he didn't care a bit that he was a lord. Roman was caught off guard for a moment and instinctively took a step back shaking himself from his tunnel vision with a slight bow. [color=f7941d]"Apologies Lady Damien, just seeing a tiny ghost. I hope you have a marvelous day."[/color] his gaze shifted up to the mountain. "Try not to eat anyone on your first day, Johnathan. Wouldn't want to ruin your reputation." He did hope he got the man's name correct; it had been sometime since they were sparring partners as kids. The smile he held on his face only grew bigger as he seemingly disregarded the other woman with them. not intentionally being rude but he basically just saw a ghost from his past and was trying to remember the man that he could only remember a few fond memories other than a few others where they traded pleasantries passing each other on the road. Crystal didn't look up, she huffed slightly as he acted like nothing happened yesterday. While he stepped back he didn't step completely out of the way. Jacob glanced at Crystal and back at Lord Ravenwood, His scowl deepening. Not at the fact that Roman clearly didn't remember his name, but that he still didn't catch ques...such as getting out of a lady's way. [color=2A7E2E]"Still dense as eva Rrroman. Ye in the wee lady's whey still. Away an bile yer head ye eejit or ill smack some manners into that sad excuse of a mug of yers."[/color] He said in a deep growl. as he used his free hand to shoo him to the side, indicating he was still in Crystal's way. Liah took a step closer to Crystal while Jacob went off on Roman, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder and coming to her side. Giving a clear indication she would simply walk through him if he didn't move. Her stoic features are not faltering. Roman took a second to look down and sure enough he was still in the way. taking another step back out of the way this time, [color=f7941d]"About a decade later and you still remember me."[/color] he did not have a problem understanding the bears words a local dialect of the northerners. [color=f26522]"you know what my father always said, 'Roman you got to read between the lines when it comes to social ques' problem is I cant read."[/color] he knew he was being unprofessional in the current company but seeing fellow people from where he is from, his people, always brings this side of him out. "Have a good day bear, remember to mind your manners these southerners aren't used to us." [color=2A7E2E]“Yer dense noggin of cluelessness is the thing of legends, like one of those terrible ditties that you can’t get out of yer head.” [/color] Jacob said as Liah gently pushed Crystal and they slipped between the two giants. [color=2A7E2E]“Don’t ye worry your little noggin about me manners when yer having the issue wif em.” [/color] He started to follow Crystal and Leah and called back without looking at him. [color=2A7E2E]“And It’s Jacob ye tube!”[/color] Roman couldn't stop his snicker and knew on the inside the bear was laughing too, [color=f26522]"Oi, at least I was close."[/color] the trio along with two more large guards began to move away but Roman still called after them,[color=f26522] "I bet you a new ax you still cant drink me under the table!"[/color] Roman smiled and spoke to himself, [color=f26522]"I missed that glorious bastard and his beard... what did he mean by clueless though?"[/color] Crystal sighed with relief when they finally moved far enough away. She was grateful that her father decided to send them along. Liah waited till Jacob caught up to them Then asked calmly.[color=BA0505]“Are you going to tell me what that was about? Or am I going to have to force it out of you…” [/color] Crystal could feel the narrowing vision of the taller woman burrowing into the back of her head. She hesitated for a moment when she noticed Charlotte and uncle Lorenzo walking ahead of them. It would seem her dear uncle managed to get home last night...that is good. She noticed a cat with Charlotte as well...when did she have a cat? How did it get along with the Ferrets? As much as she wanted to go right over to Charlotte and her dear uncle, She decided to stop and explain everything that happened last night. If she didn't answer her, Liah would only pester her with her cutting glares and doing everything in her power to make sure Crystal was [b][i]Absolutely[/i][/b] safe from anyone and anything...including that cute cat. Once done explaining to them what had happened the night prior, Crystal looked up at the sound of Jacob's knuckles audibly cracking as he tightened around the shaft of his ax.[color=2A7E2E]“That piece of jobby. He is goin to need two wagon teams to pull his head out of his own arse once I’m through with ‘em.” [/color]Jacob muttered angrily behind them. Having half a thought to turn around and serve his justice right away.[color=2A7E2E] “Damned dobber tryin to remind ME of manners…”[/color] He grumbled under his breath. [color=BA0505]“What Jacob is trying to say dear…”[/color] Liah spoke up. Giving Jacob a look to calm down.[color=BA0505] “Dont you worry about him, we will make sure to keep him far away and let you enjoy your day.” [/color]She said with a warm calm tone. [color=BA0505] “Thank you for telling us. Let's go… I’m sure you are hungry.” [/color]She said with a small smile. Crystal nodded with a smile. [color=1e4fff]“Thank you…”[/color] Before turning back around. The park wasn’t far from her home….it was only a few hundred yards from her home. She could already smell the pancakes. The smell made her smile. She couldn’t wait to be sitting under a tree enjoying the breeze with a warm sweet dish to enjoy. Before she could take ten paces into the park, she heard someone call out her name. Looking over to her left she saw Pricilla running towards her. It took her a moment to recognize her with hair cut as it was. But a large smile appeared on her face as she moved quickly past Jacob as her heeled boots clicked on the cobblestone path and she nearly tackled her with a one armed hug around her shoulders. Her other hand is still holding her two books. [color=1e4fff]“Prisilly!”[/color] She teased. [color=1e4fff]I'm so glad you are here! I was hoping to surprise you last night.” [/color] She pulled back. [color=1e4fff]”I’ve never seen you with such short hair before! It looks great.”[/color] While they spoke, her guards slowly rounded them, but gave them a wide berth seemingly spreading out and giving them space. However, Liah and Jacob conveniently took a position between the two friends catching up and a certain lady with a large companion. [color=2A7E2E]“Big kitteh…”[/color] Jacob said softly, impressed and intrigued. However his stance was casual as used his large ax as a staff to lean on. Looking down at Liah, [color=2A7E2E]“Ye suppose we can get one of those? I kno ye always wanted a wee cat.” [/color] Liah glanced up with a smirk, she didn’t say anything as she folded her hands behind her back and looked back to Crystal and Lady Pricilla. She stood close to Jacob, looking more like a couple at the moment while on guard. Jacob nodded, then rested his chin on his hand which was gripping the top of his ax.[color=2A7E2E] “No.. Yer right. We don’t have room fer a litter box that size.”[/color]