[center][h1][color=ec008c]Alexandria "Alexis" Deva[/color][/h1][/center] [@LuckyBlackCat] After that whole event, it took a moment for Alexis to process Amber’s words. She wasn’t mad or dumbfounded, but she certainly was confused. Still, it wouldn’t take long for her to snap out of her processing state and ask, “[color=ec008c]Wait, your rockruff stirred a group of Combees in the middle of town because it was bored?[/color]” Now she was dumbfounded. That sounded more like something Gabby would do, with the difference being she would instigate the swarm’s wrath as a form of entertainment rather than an attempt to play with them. She sighed as she followed along. Just thinking about it, Alexis would’ve probably gotten involved on the way regardless of Amber being there first. If she didn’t want to explain to the swarm that she captured their queen, she’s going to have to hurry along with Amber. “[color=ec008c]So…Is there a new girl that joined us, or are you talking about some random sick kid?[/color]” With how little Alexis actually hung around the others, it was becoming increasingly apparent that she didn’t get to know anyone. Some trainers she just hadn’t met yet, or if she had, she hadn’t had enough time to commit them to memory. [center]…[/center] [center][h1][color=39b54a]Deneb Astrologian[/color][/h1][/center] [@Heckno12] To say that Deneb didn’t react when the Voltorb rolled up to him with the intention of exploding would be incorrect. Though it was subtle, Deneb did show a bit of surprise. Though the rest of his face hadn’t moved, his eyes had widened ever so slightly before Rheese’s Minior knocked the Voltorb out cold. Not all Voltorb self-destructs were dangerous, but Deneb certainly hadn’t wanted to find out how it felt to be a victim to one of them. His eyes settled back down the moment he saw how weak the Voltorb was, but the thought lingered in his head much longer than he wished. He continued to have Sewaddle use string shot while Helioptile dealt with the Grimer, but Deneb failed to notice something major about his first Pokémon. He failed to notice what would happen if he was placed in danger before her own eyes. Edea flew into a rage. There was no dancing or comedic movement. There was no shaking of maracas or improvised singing. At the moment there was an angry Maractus who was furiously using Mega Drain. The grunt was the intended target.