[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/nIlIbdu.png[/img][/center] Mika listened intently to every word that came out of Tesni's mouth. It was amusing to see her taking this so seriously. It took some coaxing to get Jenny into it but Tesni really believed in Mika. Her smile briefly grew in reaction to to Tesni mentioning that withholding information would make it harder for her to do her job. While this was a common trope in movies it didn't hold up in real life. Withholding information from someone in her position could point her towards certain problem areas. Though in Mika's case, cooperation was preferable. She was just a student counselor after all. Tesni wasn't wrong. She was good at fighting. Much like her troublemaking it was probably the case before she became a magical girl. There were no real problems here. A magical girl should do what the scale of justice in their heart tells them to do. [color=goldenrod]"It sounds like you have it all figured out. If you know where you're lacking, why talk to me?"[/color] Mika folded her arms smiled. [color=goldenrod]"I think you know what must be done. Your 'might is right' philosophy is alienating you from your friends. It's your greatest strength so you use it liberally. But just because a solution works doesn't mean it's the best one. Something that must be considered is-"[/color] She noticed that Tesni was distracted and looked out the window to see what she was looking at. [color=goldenrod]"Oh! we have company!"[/color] She stood up. [color=goldenrod]"This might work for us! I'll see about keeping the other students safe. Grab who you can and let's do a little problem solving with that staff of yours."[/color] If this wasn't an emergency, Mika might have corrected Tesni as she was technically "Miss Fang." But there were more important matters to attend to. Kind of a shame as she really wanted to see the minister, but that would have to wait. Since Mika was already transformed, it gave her a head start on arriving at the cafeteria. She threw the window in the waiting room open and dove through. Her body turned to that of a giant barn owl that soared towards the cafeteria. But she did not enter the space herself. Instead a portal opened up in front of an open window, which one of her duplicates flew through. While some of the senior students were already fighting, many of the less experienced ones were running for their lives. It was hard to muster the words to even transform under these conditions. Mika's duplicate directed their efforts to protecting the weaker students so that the stronger ones could do their job. She had no sword, but she hit like a truck. One of the pageless were picked up and pitched through the air like a baseball. But when they connected with their allies, they blew around like pins struck by a bowling ball. But they didn't attack the main target. This was a great opportunity for the students to demonstrate what they had learned after all. The real Mika on the other hand had perched on the rooftop and was gazing into her blade. She needed to figure out what was going on. If attacks were happening elsewhere in the school she would need to tend to them. Because unlike Dynasty Queen, beating things up wasn't what she was best at. It was her wisdom that earned her the title of Oros the wise. [hr] Meanwhile in the mall, the duplicates of Mika used all their might to break a hole in the barrier. Blow after blow landed on it with unrelenting might. If the teachers and students had been trapped inside, they would need to be freed before anything nefarious happened. It may have been dark inside the mall, but both duplicates had antenna with a bioluminescent end, not unlike one an angler fish used to lure in its prey. While not especially bright, it did give their feline eyes more than enough light to see by, theoretically. An invisible opponent might be able to sneak up on them, but they would have to be fairly quiet.