[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6w4V9ZJ.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/DrFgcn2.png?1[/img] Level 11 Blazermate - (1/110) - 2 stored level up - Level up! Level 3 Susie - (0/30) -Level up! Learned [hider=Business Suit]Susie summons her business suit, a large drill shaped mech. Her business suit is equipped with various weapons and abilities from crushing things with its drill tip bottom, spinning its arms around like a buzzsaw as it dashes around, firing missiles, and having these all enhanced with whatever element Susie has on her blaster. However it is a large mech, so Susie loses a lot of agility and mobility for harder hitting attacks and heavier armor.[/hider] Alucarth Words: 1002 [/center] ------------------------------------------ As the group went down the river to get to their destination, Blazermate, having a better view of the area than most, noticed something she thought was cool. Zooming down to the others, she said. [color=0072bc]"Hey guys, I see a ghost ship! But like, the fun type, not the creepy maw type."[/color] Blazermate then pointed at the stranded ship of Cortez, which was stuck on some rocks and unable to move. Seeing as they were all well rested and this didn't look nearly as bad as anything they saw in the ocean of terror, a tiny side adventure couldn't hurt, right? Gesturing to the others, Blazermate flew to the deck of the ghost ship and was immediately greeted by a spooky ghost voice telling her to leave with a Spaniard accent. Blazermate, having her entire gaggle of friends nearby, ignored this with a bit of wonder in her eyes. This was a kind of adventure she was into, where it didn't seem super serious, but was still awesome. The ship itself was fairly small, consisting of only a couple rooms before reaching what was an insane amount of treasure just sitting there which visibly disappointed Blazermate, hoping for a bigger ship. Although before Blazermate could do anything, a giant skull appeared, dropping the creepy voice and putting on a more pireate-y voice. "I'm not a bloody creepy ghost, I'm the mighty pirate Cortez! And you will not..." Cortez began, as if he had been waiting for some action for some time. He was quickly cut off by Blazermate though, snapping out of her disappointment and saying. [color=0072bc]"Oh wow, a REAL ghost ship! A REAL ghost pirate! Thats Awesome! And your a fun ghost too! Not that creepy butcher guy who was making meat pies out of children or that fish guy who looked like what you'd get if you aged a pickle in the summer sun then dropped it in..."[/color] This interruption threw Cortez off his groove for a moment, with him showing a visible face of disgust when Blazermate mentioned the cannibal chef from the Maw. "What kind of monster would eat children like that?" But after saying that he recovered and began to boom. "And you, miss, you've come for my treasure haven't you?" Blazermate, looking at Cortez who seemed like he was about to defend his horde said. [color=0072bc]"Uh buddy, I'm a robot. I don't have use for any of that! I just came here to say Hi."[/color] Blazermate said, half lying. She would like that treasure, seeing it as a way to get a lot of neat items and powerups, but she saw clearly that this guy was territorial when it came to his treasure like a real pirate. Plus it was hard to tell she was lying by looking at her face, having an immaculate poker face due to being a robot. Cortez paused for a bit and looked over Blazermate with a ghostly eye before saying. "Aye, you are a thing lass, not a person. If you were here to greet the great dread pirate Cortez amigo, then where is your tribute?" Even saying that, Cortez looked a little disappointed. Blazermate then scratched her head before asking. [color=0072bc]"Uh... Maybe we could get your boat out of the rocks here if you can help us with ocean stuff later down the line?"[/color] Blazermate said. This caught Cortez's attention, in more than one way. "'We'?" Cortez asked, and if almost on que, Susie came into the room giving Cortez a bow and a wave. Unlike Blazermate, Susie looked at his treasure for a moment before thinking to herself. Blazermate seeing this, said. [color=0072bc]"Yeah, we got a lot of people that can help you with stuff if you can help us with moving around the ocean. We kinda did a lot of ocean stuff, but I'm sure there is more out there..."[/color] Cortez looked between the two ladies, the blue lady looking at him in wonder, while the pink one seemed to be eyeing him but with a look all too familiar to him. Susie than said. [color=ec008c]"Hello, I'm Susie..."[/color] Susie began to say, with Blazemate, having forgotten her manners, cut off her talk about being the executive of Haltmann works saying. [color=0072bc]"Oh yeah, I'm Blazermate, nice to meet you!"[/color] Susie, not missing a beat or even paying Blazermate's interruption any mind continued. [color=ec008c]"I'm sure Haltmann Works could improve your ship in the process. Perhaps aake it fly? For a nominal fee, of course."[/color] Cortez thought to himself. Neither girl seemed to be making a grab or even trying to sneak away any of his treasure, and while the pink one was looking at him with greed in her eyes, she was at least curtious enough to offer him something that he never thought of, although he wasn't sure how she would even do that. The blue one though offered him something he really wanted, and for almost nothing! "You do know who I am amigo? I am Cortez, the dread pirate who has terrorized the seven seas! At least until I got stranded here." Blazermate then cut him off saying. [color=0072bc]"Oh thats not a problem. If you'll help, thats fine. Just be careful around the Shipgirls, they have some big ladies that might be an issue. Or Abyss ladies? They're ship girls but..."[/color] Blazermate then started to mumble a bit confused, saying things Cortez had no clue about. But he then laughed, saying. "If you can get me out of this accursed sea and back onto the open oceans, aye I'll agree to that." Blazermate clapped her hands, saying. [color=0072bc]"Cool! Just stay away from ship girls, and uh... little girls in general. There is this little girl on the ocean that eats ships."[/color] Blazermate then grabbed Susie and left the ship, Blazermate excited, while Susie silently protested after seeing all that money. She'd have to come back and sell this pirate some gear for sure, when she could.