Alrighty, I'm making progress on my transition into the first stretch of the journey. This is taking me a smidge longer than anticipated [partly due to my own procrastination yesterday, I decided to just take the day for catching up on shows while resting after work] and partly due to a transition of household duties while my fiance restarts school. So with that in mind, as I continue my slow construction of the coming arc, I want everyone to go ahead and roll me two perception checks; a particular 'watch order' is unnecessary, I'm handwaving time to a proper degree that the order doesn't quite matter, but I figured since I'm going to do some world description in a larger post, I'll do a shorter one giving everyone the chance to introduce each other as the journey begins to tide over my slow writing. These perception checks will be referenced as I generate encounters on the road under the presumption that the rumors of Castle Lancre are the primary target.