[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/892990868066295829/1013163385539543140/3.png[/img] [sub]Interactions: [@mellowdy], [@heartfillia][/sub][/center] [color=gray] Days were long and nights were longer, so it's for this reason that he was [i]somewhat[/i] glad that he had missed the latest shindig. Kieran was no socialite, not like his mother or his father or even like his older sister. He didn't like crowds, he didn't like [i]noise[/i] and he certainly didn't like the expectation that he needed to schmooze or make waves in some way. He was [i]wholly[/i] content to spend his nights on his own and even more content to spend those nights [i]as far[/i] away from large gatherings as possible. Sue him. It could be argued that he had gotten [i]no better[/i] in matters of court affairs, that his lack of interest was a problem unto itself and-- he wouldn't have much of a defense. He simply wasn't built for this sort of thing and he doubted that he would ever be. All the same, due to the insistence of his sister, he had been made to dress nicely today. Priscilla couldn't help that she was vain. A natural byproduct of what she'd been forced to endure in the ever hard-to-please eye of their mother. There were many days that he felt bad for her, if only because of that fact. He had been lucky that he had not been born a girl, their mother may have cared much more about how many of her features he'd inherited but-- no. It was safe to say that he looked far more like his father. He was ruggedly handsome, light-eyed, and built like he'd grow to be a bit broader. He'd, of course, inherited his mother's high cheekbones and she could be seen in the edges of his smile but when it came down to it, he carried more of Duke Gideon than he'd ever carried of Duchess Victoria. This was not a bad thing, in his opinion, he'd much rather see his father in the mirror than his mother. Today, he was dressed with her in mind though, or at least, with Priscilla in mind. He was wearing a pleasant shade of jade, not quite his preferred, but he wasn't bothered if it meant that Priscilla was content. Anyway, it wasn't that he was [i]incapable[/i] of looking nice when he wanted to, it was just that he [i]preferred[/i] to dress in a way that didn't draw eyes. This, unfortunately, [i]drew eyes[/i]. Green was a good color on him, it brought out the green in his remaining eye but it didn't let him slip past unnoticed, he [i]hated[/i] being recognized. If he was recognized, people [i]expected[/i] something out of him. The idea made him kind of nauseous. Nonetheless, he was intent on braving this one out, if only because he needed to get away from the house for awhile. Kieran was the sort to go stir-crazy when he spent too much time to his own devices. He preferred Priscilla over their parents (even if she could be... [i]a lot[/i] sometimes). He arrived a breath behind her to the park after trying to shrug off his own guards and fussing over his collar which felt decidedly too high on his throat. All he caught was a blur of peach as she took off towards Crystal, who he [i]also[/i] recognized. It had been some time since he'd seen Crystal, although not perhaps as long as it could have been. He'd gone out of his way to visit her at least once or twice in her absence, unable to stop his own worrisome tendencies. It helped that he wasn't as busy as his sister. Plenty of time to go gallivanting about. "[color=a0410d]Hey-- wait--[/color]" He was quick to follow behind her, cursing the too-formal nature of his outfit, the tailcoat and how it caught the breeze. His boots were not exactly made for running, less so in running after his distractible older sister. "[color=a0410d]Could you [i]wait[/i] a minute--[/color]" He stops himself abruptly behind her, staggering slightly over his own foot but managing to catch himself by anchoring on his other foot. As long as it had been since he'd practiced his swordplay, he'd never forgotten the grace of it, which was useful in situations like these. Graceful or not, he was left looking comedically ruffled and a little irritated behind her. "[color=a0410d]You went through all the grief of putting me [i]in[/i] this and you're going to make me get grass-stains on the knees.[/color]" An inhale and a huff before he gives Crystal a smile that borders on sheepish, "[color=a0410d]Hello, Crystal.[/color]" [/color]