[center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/609868990009049090/973007146184757268/unknown.png[/img] [h1][b][color=00f1ff]Isolde Ryder [hr][/color][/b][/h1][/center][indent] [color=00f1ff][b]Time: [/b][/color]2pm [color=00f1ff][b]Location: [/b][/color]Guarav Village [color=00f1ff][b]Interactions [/b][/color]The Fuckwit Brigade and Corporal Yiffenheimer [sub][sub][@Potter][@FunnyGuy][@samreaper][@Alivefalling][/sub][/sub] Isolde listened to the rules, well aware that Menzai was being serious. This was the first time she ever heard him speak with a tone that didn't sound like anything other than passive and indifferent. He was the most levelheaded person among their group, so naturally when he was being serious, there wasn't a question about it. They would be on the clock for this hunting trip now and could not venture too far away from the group. On top of that, they could either work in pairs of two or as a whole. Isolde was inclined to push for the latter option. [color=00f1ff]"Working in pairs sounds like it defeats the purpose of hunting together as a group. That means we either have two pyros on the same team or one without Darius to put them out. [i]Or[/i] I use my magic and something catches on fire with him on the wrong team. We need to group up. Plus, it'd be easier to stay in twenty feet of each other when we're all together, wouldn't it?"[/color] Isolde was radiating confidence lately, but it was tempered by competence. This was Menzai's home, his entire world. He knew it better than them. [color=00f1ff]"Makes it easier to pull everyone out if we can't win, also. Splitting up would get us killed in a place we aren't familiar with, especially with something as ominous as whatever a "fog beast" actually is. We gotta be smart about this. If we're ready after all- and we fucking [i]are-[/i] We can pull this off."[/color] Isolde was dead-set on it now. Guarav was going to eat well tonight. [/indent]