[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/HfKWHeg.png[/img][/center][@InnerFlame] [@Crimson Flame] [@Yasha] Well, this was the last thing Zircon needed. She bristled as an orange-haired fairy landed in an exaggerated action pose, and addressed her as if this was an appropriate time to act like a pirate. Biting back a snippy reply, she took a deep breath. [color=4DA6FF]"I don't even know. I went in there, and everyone..."[/color] She gestured towards the ballroom. [color=4DA6FF]"Everyone was like that."[/color] When the prince could bring himself to speak, he explained what he'd seen - the king and queen, turned into stone along with all the other guests. That seemed to get through to the wannabe pirate, who dropped the act and headed inside to investigate. Zircon clenched her fists. What was this - some kind of coup? With several innocent bystanders caught up in it, including Coralie? She closed her eyes, as if that would block the mental image of her stone features. Instead, it made the memory all the more vivid. At Prince Sky's next words, she couldn't help but groan. He had to go and jump to conclusions, blaming the dark fairies. She recalled her visits to Transfeyvania, selling wares. While their culture wasn't as lively as those of most kingdoms, that didn't make dark fairies bad. Many she'd met had been polite and respectful. She knew from personal experience that anyone who didn't fit in with the norm was going to get picked on. [color=4DA6FF]"Look, with all due respect, is there any proof?"[/color] The words, despite being addressed to a prince, came out a little harsher than she intended. That was when she spotted the young man who had just arrived. She cringed inwardly. The deep red and black of his wings indicated he was probably a dark fairy. There was a good chance he'd just heard all that, and even if he hadn't, things weren't exactly bound to go well between him and Sky.