[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/HCUjfxk.png[/img][/center] [i]Gone, so very many fell to not rise again. When many had used to the rarity, the escape and freedom from such harm- it became all the worse when harm had once again descended upon them. Where once there had been joyous fields, now lay deserted barrens. Where one had joined another and another after, a birthplace of choirs. Now it was empty.[/i] [hr] Life had spread. She had quite plainly made sure of it. Ia’Akhul laid luxuriously along a leaf, sipping nectar from a flower. Perhaps it was a decadent usage of her power but something she enjoyed nonetheless to create like all the rest. A forest where it had once been barren, life where there was emptiness. It was satisfying. A bevy of deer grazed in their cautious way in the clearing below. Creation and creation interacting, even if it was one eating another. There was something fascinating about how much more came from such growing complexities than any singular creature could accomplish on its own. It reminded her of home in a way. Of course those deer were being hunted themselves. The little elf things had taken to her forests quite well, taken to most places quite well it had seemed. Downwind, creeping with their sharpened rocks- hoping to take the bevy unawares. A misplaced step and the deer were off, the elf pack half jogging after to wear them down or catch them later. It had happened before and likely would again. Ia’Akhul took flight, a lone elf seeing a flower falling from a branch before following onwards. [hr] Mountains were a good place to start, especially right here. Ia’Akhul could see, even if a mortal sense could not. The metals that she needed, or rather, what she planned to make would need. There before her, form came to the idea she had expelled. In the fore, and foremost, came the head. A radial maw with ten mandibles outstretched, five sets in all. An armored skin giving way to five radial eyes, larger than most beasts of the land and themselves armored and inset behind transparent flesh. Set behind these as ideas became flesh and form more sealed entrances to itself in measures long planned. Heavy plates interlocked as divine energy made mortal bone and meat, muscle and sinew. Corridors filled between walls of bone and meat, organs filled and functioned. Even while still being made flesh it came to life, its mouth tearing stone and rock to get at the necessary metals. Already picked out so closely spotted by the maker goddess. Grasping tendrils of great length formed and restricted close to the main body. The winds blew and rushed away as great void sacks formed to keep aloft the beast- even without the goddess’s help. Radial five by five in numbers repeated and carefully made- the flesh became form. Armor and bone, eager flesh giving creation to micro and macro immune systems. Tendrils stretching and grasping in creation. Flesh all over, but most dorsally, eagerly absorbing solar rays. Creation slowed and form has come forth. Ia’Akhul flew up into the beast, through sacred and secret corridors, through unknown routes and passages. Till she reached a room, a room planned and made within the beast. Close to its vital thoughts and with purposeful guidance made. Guidance indeed, her senses reached out, pressing into the panels and energy receptacles, telling the great beast ideas and guidance. Not commands no, she let it have such decisions itself, but guidance for her beloved living beast. Even so, with beloved life made, this great beast, her Oge’Ivu- her thoughts turned to the Proclamator. As the flesh groaned around her, pumping around those first rounds of life, Ia’Akhul thought about the words of that proclamation. Was this cultivation? Architecture of the world? Life and form, flesh and thought- would the others accept that which she created? Would they embrace her beloved creations? The land had been changed, life spread by others, but all so different. She thought about her meeting with Po, would the others be like her? Ia’Akhul felt herself different even if she still liked Po. Would others be as different as well? Would she be alone in her own way? She had no answers, only many more questions- and her thoughts of creation. She flew through Oge’Ivu, where the corridors curved around her internal void bubbles. The grand spaces inside, the careful doors so perfect seals, the growing and developing macro immunities, the powerful tendrils sending vibrations through the air as they moved and stretched. She flew out of the great beast and landed on its head, her wings flapping gently as the floating titan began to move away from the mountain with its metal need cured- basking in solar rays as little got through the atmosphere. Turning towards the ocean, it was of flesh and it would need flesh to support itself, especially for what came next. It would take some time for others to realize the purposes she had planned Ia’Akhul knew. Perhaps less if she actually had a chance to share them. As the great titan drifted and carried itself over the mountains, aiming for beyond the lands to the ocean- Ia’Akhul knew she had to create just a bit more of what she had so carefully planned. Divine power flowed once more, flesh and form taking flight. Schools of carp taking flight, their fins guiding them along currents of air and cloud flows. Built strong of weight and strong of back. Capable of carrying others well before achieving their full adult forms. They would be Gedhe’iwak, great fish of the skies. Food for the children of Oge’Ivu should they find the great beasts of ocean and land lacking. She also hoped one day those little elf things might learn to look up and travel the sky with their help. Before long along the ground she spared an amount of power for life below. She made bipeds hairless gray hominids although their head and neck came to a large mouth with a pair of black beady eyes on each side. She made them smart enough for some cleverness. Their flesh gave them hints of behavior, to hide, to mimic the works of others for benefit. Lacking in communication to be sure, they might at least benefit from others' own abilities. Omnivorous in all aspects, although they preferred to gulp down their food whole and move quickly. They scattered out over and under land, smelling their way and dodging fierce trees with their less than great eyesight. Nagna, great gulpers of flesh and form. But they would not be alone. No, she had to make something more protective. Kin to the bevy she saw before, large and tall as the trees, their backs of grass with bodies to blend with tree trunks and colorful leaves. Stags with impressive antlers twice as wide as they. Does and young bucks traveling in little families without such protections. They would be large forest protectors- beyond their prodigious size and strength they’d have great magical ability, capable of assisting the growth of plants and healing soil from destructive scenarios and materials. They would try to assist smaller life and frequently appear in places of greater distress. They were Huwu’idang, great deer of growth and protection of forests, life, and many smaller things. The flow stopped, and they too began to spread- Ia’Akhul looked upon them and wondered. She wondered what the other invitees would think. Would they care about such things? Were they fickle- ready to blast out of the sky something that blocked their view? Would they adore them? Hate them? And what of the little ones, the hunters of deer and thinkers of smaller plans than the gods. Those mortal lives- would they find these useful? Would they find peace with her creations? Would they, as the work of other gods, be ready to destroy them? She did not know, but would find out. Oge’Ivu had reached the ocean, it would feed and then it would soar to the heavens above- far beyond the kith and kin that spread on the world below. A last flow of power went through Oge’Ivu- she would be mother to a race in form of her own. The Iava’Oge, they would be like her, but different. Smaller perhaps, but in short time grand titans of the skies for all to see. They would be necessary for the plans to come. She needed a word however, so she took her leave. Flying off the great beast’s back, a word with that grand inviter. She had heard her new words, and it intrigued her- although she had many more things to think about than just that. [hider=MP Summary][color=HotPink]Start: 5 MP 1 AP -Create Oge’Ivu, the Mother of her Race, Legendary Creature, 2 Mp discounted to 1. -Create Gedhe’iwak, the Great Fish, carp like flying beasts, 1 Mp -Create Nagna, the gulpers of flesh and form, small hominid like bipeds, 1 Mp -Create the Huwu’idang, the deer of growth, protectors of small creatures, 2 AP reduced to 1 by aspect discount -Create the Iava’Oge, a race of giant fliers to be born by Oge’Ivu, same in form and function. 3 mp reduced to 1.5 rounded up to 2 by aspect. End: 0 MP, 0 AP[/color][/hider] [hider=Summary]Ia’Akhul does a lot of thinking, watches some elves, creates a lot of different life and extraordinary creatures, and then goes off to talk with Homura.[/hider]