[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Sz1t1dr.png[/img] [hr][b][color=#00bf60]Location:[/color][/b] Grand Central Station -> Train Platform [b][color=#00bf60]Skills:[/color][/b] Animal Control and Knife Fighting[/center] [hr][hr] Stella had mostly just wanted the cyclops kid to stop petting the puppy so hard, as well as try to keep up the illusion that her new puppy was a guard puppy. However, it seemed that everything was falling apart quickly, due to the fact that the child had screamed for his mother, and his mother... wanted to eat them. Great. She had been warned that monsters would always be able to smell out demi-gods and always attack them when they were found out. It seemed it was true as the mother cyclops stormed over and grabbed Jason and tossed him into a wall. Stella let out a cry as she saw him slam into the wall, and she went to pull out her knife. [color=#00bf60]"Hey puppy, it's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay. I'm here, and you can come to me, I'll protect you..."[/color] First things first, she needed her little puppy to be okay, and to come back to her. It seemed that the talking and tone of her voice did the trick, as her puppy ran back up to her and nuzzled in close. Second thing was the threat in front of them. Stella didn't have much in the way of training, but she knew that you put the pointy end of the knife into the monster. So she dashed forward with the knife and went to attack the mother. Luckily it seemed that she was too distracted, as Stella managed to get a good hit in on her, wounding her across her belly pretty badly.