Goddess: death and rebirth // the moon // the sea // darkness four arms, two in prayer, two covering face, wings, long robe, associated with moths and colours purple/blue God: Life // the sun // heat and light // fertility a roaring flame, multiple halos, represented as more a presence than a figure, associated with fire and colours yellow/red Deity trio: Cycles. Time (Past, Present, Future) // Days (Day, Night, Twilight (Dawn/Dusk)) // Seasons (Bloom, Harvest, Wither) three figures, cloaked in sheets (skin, fabric, cosmos, depending on context), simultaneously 1 and 3 entities. Represented as anything within their/it's sphere repeating 3 times. associated with the colours black, white, and gray, depicted together but distinct God: Knowledge and Learning // Seeking, discovery // Magic // Secrets, mystery infinite, uncountable eyes. no matter his representation, whatever receptacle he is depicted on must be completely covered in eyes - painting, drawing, carving, digital image, it must be completely filled with eyes.