[center][h1][color=gold][url=https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/82170609]Kindroth Jozana[/url][/color][/h1] [hr] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ff/8c/9c/ff8c9ca50e79cb02790c957c365a0d63.jpg[/img][/center] Kindroth was born to a family of powerful wizards and nobles, owning an expansive yet quaint plot of land for generations. While their employees worked the land, the Jozana family would practice their magics and enjoy the decadence of the status. A small twang in the prestigious house's status came with the birth of Kindroth who didn't take to magic as well as his parents or siblings. Kindroth did the bare minimum amount of magic practice to appease his family but his heart was devoted to the art of martial combat. In his free time he would train with the land's guards and keeping them company on their shifts, pretending to be helping to keep watch. To Kindroth's parents credit, they eventually stopped trying to force their traditions on him. This lack of pressure let Kindroth find his own route through magic, learning a couple of parlour trick spells but more importantly pursuing magic means of enhancing his combat training. Things were good for Kindroth until some societal pressure began to be exerted on his family. Kindroth not fitting the mold was a blemish on his family's name, one of which Kindroth was becoming more and more aware of until finally deciding to do something about it. Coming to his parents with the idea, Kindroth proposed the idea of a self-imposed exile; letting the sheltered elf test his mettle, see the world and hopefully bring honour to his family's name in his own way. His parents and siblings were all worried about their youngest sibling but relented, giving Kindroth their blessing. Now Kindroth travels the land, looking for a means to leave his mark on history and bring honour back to his family's name.