Bob's expression instantly fell at the mention of inviting his dead friend. Zane would have loved this. He was such a huge fan of the heros and always talked about being one some day. It was Zane that spread the rumors of the Jersey Devil after giving him the mask. Bob just nodded to Manny, and turned with a little more interest at the prospect of knowing what the woman could do. His brow raided again as the woman took of her jacket, and his mind was racing to produce some smart ass comment, though all thoughts stopped as she started her performance. After seeing the razor tips, and the skill in which she used them, he began reconsidering his call for 'dibs' he was going to call out in jest. He was a fan of having all his limbs attached, and didn't think it smart to upset such an apparently dangerous woman. After his surprise wore off, he applauded shortly, looking to the others. "Whelp, I'm sold." And he slips his helmet back on to hide any further betraying facial expressions.