[hider=My Hider] My Ambition Cannot Be Stopped Hunter Name: Xiahou Chong Age: 17 Gender: Regular Appearance: [hider=My Hider] [img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/5O7d05Gg-lJyHaSz4AwyCWqXIU3XxuGDX3kv-cbwdVY/rs:fit:527:1043:1/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLnBp/bmltZy5jb20vNzM2/eC85Yi85MC9kMC85/YjkwZDA0YTc0YWM5/ODQyZThhZThjNGRk/NWU4OGJhMy5qcGc[/img] [/hider] Transformed Appearance: [hider=My Hider] [img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/a8pIRRysEhsvmvNy3fKGQJfGxbfvrvwrJx-7fF_130I/rs:fit:658:956:1/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLnBp/bmltZy5jb20vb3Jp/Z2luYWxzLzIwLzkw/LzRjLzIwOTA0Y2Q1/Yjk0YzkzMmI4ODkw/MGRlY2I5NDliNGM3/LmpwZw[/img] [/hider] Abilities: Xiahou Chong is directly related to warlords from Ancient China. Mainly from the Xiahou and Cao clans. His powers are inherited from both of the clans, but for the purpose of this post I am going to name 2 which he uses as he has a Tsukumogami. Just a slippery paper: He can tear a cloth place it on the ground. When it touches the ground, it become slippery. When an onryo steps on it, they can fall and either die or get injured. This gives him an advantage over the onryo. Wrap and ablaze: He can summon rolls of cloth from underneath his wrist so he can wrap it around the mouths of onryo. The cloth will start to burn the onryo if he commanded it. Personality: A kind and intelligent induvial blessed with foresight which means things go his way, but not always. The heavens put limits on him on which he can control and cannot control. He is also calm and cool when people argue, or find little crack in his plans, but has tricks of his own to fills those cracks in. He can also use other people statements against them and make them look silly with a twist of his own arguments. He also believes in helping people when they cannot be helped. Where his ancestors used force and ambition, he uses benevolence to earn the trust of the people, and this fuels his ambition to rid the world of evil spirits. History: A direct descendent of Cao clans and Xiahou clans dating back to ancient china, when the Imperial Han Court and the rest of China was in a state of chaos. Xiahou Chong was originally from Cao clan, but his grandma was adopted by the Xiahou clan. His mother came to Japan to seek a singing career, as she knew and spoke Japanese fluently. She later married a Owner of a Host Club. A striking beautiful baby boy was born. His mother names him Xiahou Chong, in respect of Cao Cao's youngest son, Cao Chong. As he grew up, he was haunted by onryo back from ancient china. They hurt him, cursed his family and said that heaven wouldn't accept him. When he told his parents, his father didn't believe a word, but his mother did. She booked him a ticket back to their hometown Hefei, Anhui Province. He stayed there until he was 17 and was proficient in Taoism. When he came to Japan, an Ittan-Momen looked down at him and decided to kill him by wrapping around his face. Xiahou Chong sensed it's presence and grabbed it exerting great force. The Tsukumogami knew it was no match and decided to serve Xiahou Chong. They made a pact together, which now will never break and passed on to future generations. Likes: His family, mostly his cousins who he visits him on the weekends. Ice cream Has a soft spot for children and animals as well as the elderly Dislikes: Trouble makers Gangs Urban Legends Fears: He fears for his parents. He hopes that the spirits that haunt him does not haunt or harm his parents or worse. Other: Fights with a his family heirloom, Cao Cao's sword and 7 Star Dagger which is in pristine condition. Cao Cao nearly used the dagger on Dong Zhou, but failed and fled Luoyang. Tsukumogami Name: Ittan-Momen Item: Roll of cotton Appearance: [img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/RfzbHdD8H5FizlDBuQIDB0DXMicAE-iJyuX_J4MuRWE/rs:fit:800:600:1/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cu/Y2FjYWRvcmVzZGVs/ZW5kYXMuY29tLmJy/L2phcGFvL3dwLWNv/bnRlbnQvdXBsb2Fk/cy8yMDEzLzAzL0l0/dGFuLW1vbWVuLWph/cGFuZXNlLWxlZ2Vu/ZHMtMDkuanBn[/img] Personality: Cunning, playful, mischievous, and insightful. Other: not only this type can suffocate it's prey, it can also set itself on fire, burning it's target if it gets angry. It only obeys Xiahou Chong, as Xiahou Chong is bright, ambitious as well as intellectual. anime: In/Spectre [/hider]