Evangelina Vertesca - Huntress (Narrator) The short walk to the castle gave Eva the opportunity to look about her a little, her long crimson hair moving about as the wind played various games with the silky strands. The essence of night began to pull in closely and the small group of hunters instinctively pulled in tighter, the cries of wild animals just outside the city walled waited with understanding that the city was on the brinks of destruction. The door to the cream-colored palace was heavily guarded and only by retrieving the Kings adviser were the guards allowed to make entrance into the castle with the new visitors. Papers were checked again and a variety of young male and female servants came to stand in wait of attendance as Zakariah, the kings adviser moved to the front of the room. A young female smiled at (Lily) the young huntress when she asked for a washroom, shuffling the girl toward a small but lovely pale pink restroom and offering her a clean hand towel. "I do apologize for the cold water, madam, but we are a bit limited due to the situation at hand. I shall be outside the door if you need anything and if not, please take your time and join us when you're able." Eva's eyes followed the movement here and there, missing nothing. An announcement was made that drinks were available to everyone and that they were to make themselves comfortable for a few moments until everyone arrived. Eva took a glass and moved to stand near the window, her eyes moving up to the mountains as blackness covered them. Eyes adverting to the door and a bit of whisper that rushed through the room, a newcomer moved in who echoed the very essence of death but held to his persona the colors of innocence. She gave him a quick glance and slipped into her thoughts of the journey to come. The king's adviser pulled her from her thoughts as she drank the remaining liquid in her cup and nodded to a few fellow hunters before slipping into a plush crimson chair. "King Jermolt of Capernaum bids you all well and offers gratitude and hospitality to each of you. As you well know, darkness has slipped into the Carpathian mountains just beyond us and has riddled our land with their witchcraft which brings nothing but desolation and death. As such, we have employed each of you to assist us in a mission that is two-fold. First, something was stolen from our sacred chambers last night - the cup of Eden, which is said to hold the key to eternal life." He paused for only a moment. "Whether you believe the tales or not, we do and obviously the Shade, who is darkness incarnate does as well. We need the cup back and we need an end put to this madness." He moved a few steps up and Eva's brow shifted in concern as to whether he wanted to be heard better, or feared the dastardly crew before him. "We will have a large feast and wine set before you in the other room. Please come and as you are settled in feel free to ask questions. The King himself with join us shortly and entertain your thoughts and preponderances. Rooms have been prepared for each of you and tomorrow morning is when the journey will began. Please come." He turned and walked into a large room just north of the one they all stood in. Eva stood again, grabbed another glass of wine and walked toward the smell of something roasted and salty, licking her lovely red lips.