[@Pakde][@A5G][@Eviledd1984] Ember rubbed his head, then settled back in to nursing the cookfire. Despite his attempts to approach the horrid beggar woman, she seemed so much more vital than he did, and effortlessly evaded him without even attempting it. He would corner her and interrogate her later. --once his head cleared-- As for joining a search party, the idea of wandering off sounded both exciting in its prospects, as well as horrid in the same. On the one hand, there was a chance at getting out of the sun, perhaps finding a natural source of water to wash off in, and generally an opportunity to shine-- the latter being something he very seldom shied away from. On the other-- His head was swimming, he felt mildly nauseous, and he doubted very much that he could do much more than spurt some pretty sparkles from his wand at the moment. It would take him several hours of taking it easy to get back his proper vigor, at the least. "You needn't worry about that too much, Sonia dahling... I wanted to apologize for my rash behavior; Rest assured, I'm already paying a heavy price..." Ember once more nursed his head, then poked another stick into the cookfire, before looking back up at Sonia. "I'll be quite content to say behind for the time being.. I'm afraid I've gone and tuckered myself out. I'd be more liability than asset, I fear-- but I can still make myself useful. I'll see what I can do with the resources we have-- such as they are-- and as my head clears, see that those we've found at least aren't wearing tatty rags..." Once more his thoughts drifted toward the spry beggar woman, and he fumed inwardly. He would find out where she got those from, for sure. Preferably once she returned, and that energy of hers had been used up, and his rekindled. He leaned over to his more furtive companion in the goat-skull ensemble, and answered his query honestly, but discretely. "I'm afraid not dahling. It will be some time before I'm ready to go off on an adventure. At the very least, I can keep an eye on the more ...unstable... of our number, and keep them out of trouble. Were you looking for something dahling? That was quite a show... I wish I had that kind of energy at the moment." Despite his mild nausea, he knew he really did need to eat something. After a more than a moment of hesitation, he extracted one of the seared fish skewers from the edge, and timidly nibbled at it. He sat still and silent by the fire, continuing to nibble, and sipping at the coconut vivian had given him, while the others formed a small party, and departed, leaving him and a number of other castaways behind.