Hi [@Chriss488] it's crazy to see this thing is still going on. I would like to apply with a god that is basically a giant monster. Specifically it'd be what you might know as a manticore, though I'll be calling them mantygers after some other tradition. I saw something about a dragon god already but I assume this will be sufficiently distinct. Here's a CS I've put together: [center][color=FF8C00][h1]Tigris[/h1][/color][/center] [center][b]Form:[/b][/center] As the progenitor of the monstrous mantygers, Tigris takes an imposing and twisted shape that strikes terror into the hearts of any that behold it. He is not just a bigger version of the mantygers, he is far worse. His muscles are corded together like rope, veins full of black blood bulging out to give him an aberrant and unnatural looking physicality. He is massive, many-eyed, and with a great gangle of powerful limbs that jut with spines and terminate in rending, razor-sharp obsidian claws. Two massive wings can bear him through the air and buffet mortals and forests with their mighty winds, and Tigris's spine continues well past his rear legs as a tail with a vicious stinger at its tip. The mantyger god's venom is the single most deadly substance in the world. He has a lot of the poison at any given time, but his stinger can only dribble it out. Fortunately just a single drop is instant death. Because gods are more powerful it might take a whole lot of venom to kill them though, and they would probably feel some agony before they die. [center][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/8a44ee4f-e6a3-4805-8d9c-62758531b3d2/d2mjylg-f3c52ca2-6e7e-4648-a38b-a9e36a1be80e.jpg/v1/fill/w_800,h_720,q_75,strp/manticore_by_loztvampir3.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwic3ViIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl0sIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiIvZi84YTQ0ZWU0Zi1lNmEzLTQ4MDUtOGQ5Yy02Mjc1ODUzMWIzZDIvZDJtanlsZy1mM2M1MmNhMi02ZTdlLTQ2NDgtYTM4Yi1hOWUzNmExYmU4MGUuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTgwMCIsImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NzIwIn1dXX0.wmdw8QRRkho-uSg8Aupery0MKIBsfnrrgOuB1c7nSFU[/img][/center] [center][b]Aspect:[/b][/center] As the progenitor and god of mantygers, Tigris can spawn more of his brood very easily. His aspect covers making mantygers of all different varieties, sizes, and adaptations, including eventually making some that are still monsters but don't necessarily resemble classical manticores very closely. He can also inherently sense the location and status of most mantygers because they are closely connected to him by blood, and he is the only one that can really communicate with them, order them around, and otherwise control them despite their limited intelligence. His aspect also covers making organized groups of mantygers devoted to a purpose (holy orders of just monsters) or potentially transform other beings into chimeric monsters similar to mantygers. And of course as a mantyger himself, his aspect makes him a formidable monster even without any artifact armor or weapons. His stinger is very dangerous because his venom is extremely potent, and he can fly quite easily, and even hypnotize some lesser beings with his stare. This comes at a cost of making him constantly hunger for the flesh of mortals which means that few will ever willingly worship him. [center][b]Persona:[/b][/center] Tigris can be very cruel. He wants to plague the world with his own spawn and to watch them bring ruin and terror onto their hapless victims from above, but he is also smart and realizes that his spawn will share his prodigious appetite and that they cannot be allowed to simply kill everything. If they did they would starve, and other gods would likely band together to put an end to his oppression. So while he does not actually care much for worship or treasure, he will begrudgingly accept it in order to offer mortals protection from the very monsters that he creates to torment them. Over time he will often ask for a progressively steeper price, hoping that eventually the tributes will grow so great that the mortals refuse and can thus be hunted. Initially he is not egotistical, but this cycle will probably make him become arrogant and prideful to a fault if it isn't somehow stopped. If mortals or other gods remain ever polite and amicable even in the face of his spittle and demands, eventually he will grow bored and move on to torment more interesting prey, leaving them forgotten and reprieving them from their obligations to pay tribute. If other gods act the way he does and try to make demands of him, he will react violently and try to assert his own supremacy. If other gods try to hunt the mantygers or any of his other spawn, he will not care very much provided that it does not go past a certain extent. Killing a few of the weakest or slowest of his offspring is doing him a favor in a sense by cultivating stronger monsters, but killing too many of them and threatening to drive them extinct becomes an actual assault upon his aspect and power, and he would react violently to such a perceived assault. Unlike his offspring, which are utterly bestial and mostly devoid of higher intelligence, Tigris fancies himself wise and enjoys riddles. If mortals or other gods speak to him in rhyme or offer to exchange riddles with him and do well for themselves, it is said that he will recognize them as wise too. He generally respects and does not harm so called wise beings, and he may even offer them a gift. But if on the other hand the mortal or other god poses a riddle unto him and he cannot solve it, he may lash out violently for having been made to feel foolish. Helping him find the answer with hints is therefore smart, so long as he doesn't perceive the hints as too condescending. He also despises other monsters such as dragons and unicorns. [center][b]Myth:[/b][/center] Okblog was a mighty troll. He was also a clever troll because he had discovered it's easier to eat stupid travelers if you hide under a bridge and come out to bash them over the head, rather than if you just run at them yelling so that they have time to react. Strong, clever Okblog was returning to his rocky lair one day with a sack full of ears, his favorite treat, then the mountain trembled. At first he was afraid that it was a rockslide, and he got ready to smash any falling boulders with his club. But there were no falling boulders, so he kept walking down the goat path. But then the mountain heaved again. This time Okblog thought it was an earthquake, so he hugged a scraggly tree root tight so that he wouldn't fall. He hugged it like his life depended upon it or like it was his troll mother's toe. But it wasn't an earthquake either. Clever Okblog didn't know of anything besides earthquakes or rockslides that could shake the mountains, so he was confused. But then a gigantic head peeked down at him from over the lip at the top of the cliff. The head had a smiling jaw filled with more layers of teeth than the troll could count (but he wasn't very good at counting) and each tooth was like a jagged rock the size of his mighty club. The head was monstrous though and had a lot of eyes, even more eyes than there were ears in Okblog's snack bag. All of its eyes were like angry bleeding suns, and its nostrils were like cavernous tunnels, and its voice...it spoke! [color=FF8C00]"Tiny tiny little troll, Tigris sees you, and Tigris is hungry -- what should Tigris do?"[/color] Okblog was both terrified and confused now. He dropped the bag full of ears. "Eat sumfin!" he told the gigantic scary mantyger. Tigris snorted, and coiled as if to lunge. "Eat anyfin'!" the panicked troll called out, and then Tigris relaxed. He leaned forward over the cliff and dug his claws into the rocky precipice as long neck stretched all the way down to sniff at the troll on the goat path below. [color=FF8C00]"But what to eat, what might Tigris eat? Not stock or rock or stone or bone, but meat! Tigris smells a smell he hasn't smelt in years, the scent of raw, bloody ears!"[/color] "You can have this sack o' ears," the troll told him then. "But go, cause you makin' me a fears!" A gigantic tongue swiped out from the beast's maw, catching the ears, their sack, and some of the gravelly ground too. The god-monster swallowed them all in one second without even a gulp. [color=FF8C00]"A troll that finds, a troll that can rhyme, truly a find, the greatest troll of all time!"[/color] Okblog scratched his head confused. "Hu-" he started, but then the mantyger's monstrous tail shot down from above with a whiplike snap. The stinger which was as big as Okblog's torso dangled before his head. The tiny point began to dribble a tiny bit of black ichor. [color=FF8C00]"A troll that drinks is a troll that flies, and no longer troll but a mantyger, in my eyes."[/color] Okblog didn't understand and he was scared. He stood frozen and watched as a drop of venom fell onto the rocky ground and steamed upon a rock. The troll tried to make a run for it past Tigris and back for his nearby cave lair, but he tripped and his face planted down right on the sizzling rock. A tiny bit of the venom touched his lips and he shuddered and screamed for a long time. By the time Okblog the mantyger finally rose up his adoptive father was long gone. [center][b]Musical Theme:[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XZVeAEcqEI[/youtube] [sub]((I read the OP thoroughly))[/sub][/center]