[color=darkgray] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3EdPgr4.png[/img] [url=https://i.imgur.com/6gciQD1.jpg?1]Pancake-eater Outfit[/url][/center] [Color=salmon][b]Time:[/b][/color] Morning [Color=salmon][b]Location:[/b][/color] Pancakes at the Park [Color=salmon][b]Interaction:[/b][/color] Ruby [@SausagePat] [Color=salmon][b]Mention:[/b][/color][hr] [center][color=salmon][i]“Have you ever committed to a deed out of the goodness of your heart with the most benevolent of intention, only to have it grab the nearest musket and blow your face clean off? If it hasn’t, then you are far too lucky… If it has, then just imagine it occurring every waking day of your life…“[/i][/color][/center] Lorenzo watched with the utmost confusion as the woman he assumed was just a hungry vagrant performed the oddest dance had ever seen. He looked over his shoulder at the other attendees behind him, searching for some cue he had missed. He had been away from public events for nearly a year so he might have understood not being in the loop of new norms and practices. Unfortunately, every face he caught sight of wore the same expression of bewilderment. When he returned his sights forward, he caught the woman giving him what he thought was a very misplaced wink. Blinking rapidly, Lorenzo could feel he was beyond his depth with this woman who made him feel oddly embarrassed. He didn’t know what to do. How was he meant to challenge this? With conformity or ire? Luckily, for the time being, her focus was gathering as many waffles onto her plate as possible. However, Lorenzo could hardly keep his own focus off of her. He curiously watched for what odd thing she might do next, and he wouldn’t be left disappointed. Confused, yes, but not disappointed. [color=salmon][i]Could she perhaps be… ‘on the stuff’?[/i][/color] Lorenzo strained his eyes a bit as if he would magically identify some indication of drug addiction besides the woman’s clearly visible behavior and unfitting attire. Then the third or maybe it was the fourth strangest thing that occurred. The odd young woman had placed so many waffles on her plate that a trumpeter began playing a celebratory tune. Now look, Lorenzo was a lover of waffles himself but even he wouldn’t dare to take one of each kind like she had and- [color=salmon]“What on heaven’s earth…”[/color] Lorenzo quietly uttered as he watched the woman gorge on the waffles before even making her way from the serving table! He wanted to hurry and grab a waffle or two but he was afraid the woman might do something too wild for him to be prepared for. So instead, he took his time with short and slow steps toward the serving table. He winced and gripped his plate tightly when she suddenly shrieked at the trumpet player in excitement. He was getting so close to the waffles, but was it truly worth it? He could still smell the pancakes. Maybe he could turn back, yes? No, it was too late! It was when her eyes met his form again that he mentally prepared to smash his plate into the woman’s face out of fear for his… life? [color=salmon][i]Fear for something! I don’t know what she intends to do to me, but I must not let her do it! Where’s Lottie?![/i][/color] He whipped his head around looking for Charlotte, but there were far too many people blocking his view and he’d consider himself a damned fool if he stepped out of the waffle line while he was so close to the serving table now! [color=C17ECE]“THESE ARE GOOD! PILE THEM UP!”[/color] [i]With conformity or ire?[/i] [color=salmon]“Uh… Yeah! I must try them! YES!”[/color] And so Lorenzo made his choice. He nodded at the woman happily in an effort to put himself in her good graces. Whatever that meant. He inched closer to the table but, unfortunately, moved closer to [i]her[/i] as well. In the process of reaching for an unclaimed blueberry waffle, Lorenzo found his face mere inches from none other than a glob of chocolate chip waffle offered by the strange woman with a smile that made Lorenzo so frightened inside that he had to continue to submit to her crazed antics. [color=salmon][i] A duke must do what he must… I pray this waffle is not my last.[/i][/color] He winced, before taking a bite from the fork. Initially, he chewed awkwardly, but the taste of the scrumptious chocolate chip waffle nearly removed the desperate duke from the moment. [color=salmon]“You’re right young lady. These are indeed delicious! I dare say the best waffles I’ve had outside of Veirmont!”[/color] No longer fearfully conforming to the silliiness, Lorenzo found himself genuinely pleased with what he had the opportunity of indulging in. [color=tan]“Hey can you imbeciles get a move on! You fools are not the only ones in line!”[/color] A patron shouted causing Lorenzo to face him apologetically. [color=tan]“Yeah, you! And your bitch there! Hurry it up so I can eat some waffles, damn it!”[/color] Again Lorenzo was given a choice. The short man before with slicked-back blond hair was far too [i]normal[/i] to seem as frightening as the vagrant. He wasn’t one for confrontation, but he very much disliked undeserved insults. [i]With conformity or ire?[/i] Lorenzo furrowed his brow intensely but remained where he was. [color=salmon]“Do you have any idea who you speak to?! And you call me the fool?! I am the venerable Duke of Veirmont!”[/color] The trumpeter abruptly ceased playing his tune the moment the duke raised his voice. Lorenzo was all in now. He raised his arms up like a victorious gladiator, his empty plate still in his right hand. [color=salmon]“You must be illiterate, sir! You must be! Because did today’s paper not warn you of the Duke of Veirmont?! The warmonger! The fucker of counts! Hmm?!”[/color] Lorenzo’s face held an intensity that was almost never seen, his facial scars only adding to the intimidating aura he managed to pull out of his ass. [color=salmon]“You will wait right there… patiently! Or you may find your name graced along mine in the Caesonia News tomorrow.”[/color] Lorenzo briefly narrowed his eyes leaving his threat to the man’s own imagination who was more disgusted than afraid of what Lorenzo even inferring. [color=salmon]“Hmph.”[/color] And with that Lorenzo turned back to the serving table. [/color]