[Center][b]Edmund Andamar - Rogue Trader[/b] [@ClocktowerEchos][@Erezrim][@Jeddaven][@POOHEAD189][@BangoSkank][/center] A trio of his retinue had appeared not long after the conclusion of the heretical scrap, Edmund having already given out strict orders for every body to be burned and every inch of the ship to be once more cleansed by blessing or flame - this would no doubt mean the loss of further life, teams getting turned around in the depths, hidden enemy units conducting opportunistic attacks on isolated teams and the like - but the Rogue Trader doubted they would be in any more serious trouble... at least from [i]within[/i]. "The Ogyrns will get some shiny awards," he confirmed with a half-smile, glancing only briefly away from the viewscreen as Grimri and Dahti made themselves known, as well as their own opinions on recent events. Each was listened to, even if it appeared that Edmund was mentally far away, but he had more pressing matters to attend to. "Please, since you are the only ones here, what do you make of this?" A nod to his helmsman bought a crystal-clear image up at the place where a plasteel viewing window [i]should[/i] have been but, this being an armoured command bridge and with no windows to speak of, images relayed from exterior pict and data recorders were the source of information from the void without. Four vessels leapt into perfect clarity in the relative darkness of the bridge, each with data-tags showing their class, known names, and varying assortments of data; the ship in the centre was identified as a [i]Jericho[/i]-class Pilgrim Vessel, hundreds of Imperial devotees doubtlessly trapped aboard as the three aggressors circled her. A [i]Soulcage[/i]-class Slaveship hovered nearby, while an [i]Infidel[/i]-class Raider and [i]Idolator[/i]-class stripped away its shields in colourful blooms of impacting weapons fire. "I do not doubt that it is to one of these ships that our heretical mole has escaped, nor do I doubt they wish to abduct every pilgrim aboard that transport. I wish to know your opinions on lending assistance to it. Our own escorts are not yet out of the Immaterium, and we are recovering internally from a mutiny, our loss of effective workers surely a handicap against these raiders. Nevertheless, we remain within Imperial borders, and I am loath to allow an enemy to get away when they are right there." Edmund held his own council, but would listen to those around him, even if he chose to disregard any advice given him, such was his fancy as captain and commander.