Bob watched the others go silently. He was homeless, and while he wasn't broke, he couldn't just go blowing money until he got an income. He wasn't sure what to do with himself until 8. Then his lifeless eyes fell on the remaining donuts. Might as well head home for a bit, then maybe do some recon. Scooping up the donuts. The Jersey Devil went to the window, opened it, and with a small hop and bounce was out and gone. He kept the flips and major twirls to a minimum, trying not to jostle the donuts too much as he went from rooftop to rooftop, casting his eery shadow down on the allies and streets below. He navigated the city until he got to his adopted home, the rooftop of an abandoned building on the outskirts of the industrial district. The stairs up to the top couple floors were completely demolished, so none of the homeless that used the building ever ventured to the roof, and Bob had nailed the door shut and braced it shut for good measure. He had nailed up boards around the bottom of the water tower that was there, and had run an extention cord from the powerlines nearby, and had made a nice little shelter for himself. He had also established quite the reputation from the homeless below. He had been called many things from the vagrants. A demon, a ghost, an alien, and eldritch horror, and also rumors of being a super hero or villain who used the roof as a way to get to my secret hideout. If only they knew. He had calmed some of the fears by leaving food and money and random things for the homeless when he didn't need them himself, and had even kept the area relatively safe from thugs, in turn keeping the homeless safe, but he did it all in secret. Just like now. The Jersey Devil hopped down the side of the building one window at a time until he got to his usual drop off, leaving the box of donuts. One of the kids that lived here always watched the window for him, and she was there today. Her eyes wide seeing the creature, but her mouth silent. Bob nodded to the girl, lifting a clawed finger to his muzzled mouth, and with a single bounce, launched himself to the roof. He settled into his shelter, turning up his music and started doing his stretches, going over everything that was talked about at the meeting. A real gig, people have died, and they might kill people... he hadn't really considered that part. He hadn't killed anyone before. Well... that he knew of. He was more a hit and run kinda guy, and didn't stick around for the aftermath... what if he had cut someone up so bad they died.... harrowing thought. Did he Care though, was the question. He would have, before the Lab incident. But something had changed since then. He probably wouldn't go in Trying to kill anyone, but probably wouldn't be too squeamish if it happened. After an hour or so of relaxing, the Jersey Devil was off again, faster this time. Run, hop, flip, roll, pounce, bounce, and run some more. He stopped at the building next to the club they were supposed to go to that night, and took a small look around. He tried to get a feel for the situation, guards, cameras, traps, windows ventilation shafts, and escape routes. It reminded him of the old days when he used to do this with his friends. They would sneak into all kinds of places, from mansions to factories. Now he was going to do it again with a group... hopefully with better results. CHAMPs for the win... he settled into a dark corner, getting comfortable enough to waste the rest of the free time watching the place before heading back out to their meeting.