[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006946319472001246/1010606563628683474/Sathira_Divine_2.png[/img][/center] [i][color=#7220d4][h1][center]A Dragon Takes Flight[/center][/h1][/color][/i] The earth beneath Heavenfall lay sundered and broken. Great shelfs of disturbed earth and stone jut out at angry angles that ripple across the landscape in jagged lines streaming outwards from where the great spear lay buried in the earth. Yet this disturbance was only to harken the arrival of another. Beckoned by the pull of Anath Homura, the earth began to shake. Tremors rocked the mountains, and swayed what foliage was there to be shook. The winds howled, harkening the arrival of She, Sathira. The air crackled with divine energy, gouts of dirt exploding from the ground where shadows trailed after. Mighty columns of kaleidoscopic color crashed into the earth, embedding themselves this way and that, creating bridges where dark chasms had since formed. Two mighty black and purple wings stretched into existence, shedding the caked on earth. From where she burst from the earth lay a yawning black chasm. An abyss of mountainous depth, seeming to draw one to the very edge of its precipice that they might gaze down and be pulled in if they surrender to their urge for even an instant. Yet standing upon its edge would greet one with a spectacular sight. With light seemingly fighting the abyss below, every wall twinkles with brilliant color. [color=red]Rubies,[/color] [color=blue]sapphires,[/color] [color=green]emeralds[/color] and [color=#7220d4]amethysts,[/color] every color of the rainbow would greet them. A shining path that leads down into the depths of the cavern and seems to stretch on into eternity yet branching out into dozens of different paths. Draping a massive claw upon the cap of a mountain and resting her wings, Sathira gazes out over the broken landscape, now much improved with her vast presence, and radiant gifts. The spear garners her attention, the incredible power of the souls within it humming in the air a grin spreads across Sathira's maw. A thunderous voice echoes across the landscape so surrounded by mountains and storms, the rain and thunder paling in comparison to the divine right that is her voice. [color=#7220d4]"Sathira, Mother of the First Flight and all Dragonkind arrives. Now, so too shall my kin."[/color] Then with an almighty roar that rumbles across the fabric of this world and into its very depths, she spoke yet once more. [color=#7220d4]"Come."[/color] And so they arrived, soaring on wings of every color of the rainbow. Reds, golds, blues, and every color in between. Taking to the skies and circling the area via the sky, a brilliant tapestry of scale and fang. From her brow exploded a brilliant shadowy aura which wormed its way into the hearts of her kin, a powerful compulsion to gather artifacts of power, for both themselves and to offer her in tribute to garner her favor. With a gesture of a mighty claw, she blesses her kin with the power of the Draconic Heart. Such immense creatures cannot thrive as they do without the divine might that Sathira herself exudes. In order to bless them with the power to sustain themselves without much rest, she ties their power to a small fragment of divinity. Brilliant treasures which take a different form for each dragon, but all spectacular. Yet, after all this. One such piece most caught her eye. One of the reds and their manifested heart. One which she could watch. And with that, she settled onto this mountain upon which she still clung to with one claw. And watched them scatter across the land. Looking to create their own hoards, kin and exert their power to bring her items of power to enhance her own. [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1011005480728023142/1011304013737754624/yo_is_Best_Girl_Anatomically_Correct_Heart_Made_of_Ruby_Realist_3a6ae90f-a3e6-47fc-b30e-d386ea65cb82.png[/img][/center] [center][hider=Summary] Sathira bursts from the earth, harkening in her appearance flanked with some of the first of her children. She fills them with the desire to hunt down relics and bring them to her and hoard them for themselves. So too does she bless them with the power to create a Draconic Heart. [/hider][/center] [center][hider=Might] [h2][color=red]I have been informed you can't discount sapient species. I will fix my point expenses in the next 7 to 14 business days[/color][/h2] Aspect points (0/5 remaining): - 3 (6) points to create the first flight of Dragons. Some of every color of the rainbow. Intelligent species of course! - 1 (2) point to declare this yawning abyss that she created as her Realm. - 1 point to spread the idea of gathering artifacts of power to her kin. Might Points (0/5 remaining): - 4 points to create a yawning abyss of mountainous height, filled with gemstones of every color and a massive bunch of winding caverns of various sizes. - 1 point to Bless her draconic species with the power of Draconic Hearts. Relics that are formed of their own lifeforce, allowing them to grow to their prodigious sizes, and to fly without needing to rest for longer periods. While they are a blessing they are also a curse. If they are stolen from the dragon or removed from their hoard, they will have to pour an immense amount of energy into creating a new one. Thus leading to slumbers that can last years, decades, even centuries depending on the power of the dragon. [/hider][/center]