[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/76/4a/17/764a17628ce1c00e9873a46346583076.jpg[/img] [h1][color=0054a6]Hades[/color][/h1] [/center] Hades took one last look down the hall before shutting the doors to his office allowing for privacy between the 4 men. [color=0054a6]“I appreciate you all coming down here on such short notice.”[/color] Hades' tone shifted drastically from his more welcoming tone during his conversation with Thor, to a more cold and stern one. [color=0054a6]“We have a lot to discuss, but first there is a matter of importance that we have to address first.”[/color] As Hades finished his gaze landed on the youngest of the men. [color=silver]“We gave him a basic run down for you sir, so he could process a bit of it on the way over.”[/color] Hades nodded as he stepped towards the youngest man in the room [color=0054a6]“Normally I prefer to do this in better circumstances and allow for things to sink in slowly but given the current situation we don't have much choice. Regardless however you were nominated by your father to take his place and I'm sure you'll live up to every expectation, just like your dad did before you.”[/color] Hades stuck out his hand offering it to the young man as he continued. [color=0054a6]“But ultimately this is your choice to make, once you make a deal with me there is no going back.”[/color] The young man took only a moment to process what was being said before he nodded [color=00aeef]“I'm ready to serve just like my father did.”[/color] He stated confidently before grabbing Hades hand shaking it sealing the deal. Hades' eyes glowed red slightly as he smirked at the young man [color=0054a6]“Glad you made the right choice.”[/color] As soon as he had finished shaking his hand Hades made his way over to a large painting that depicted a beautiful countryside that hung on his office walls. Behind the painting was a fairly large safe door that once opened revealed a small stack of documents and a gold coin which he grabbed before returning everything as it was. [color=0054a6]“This is now the most important thing in your possession. You are to keep it on you at all times. It not only shows your rank but is also your free ticket.”[/color] as he spoke, Hades held up the coin so that it was easily visible. It was a small gold coin roughly the size of a 50 cent coin. What made the coin unique however was that on one side a simple skull was depicted while on the other side the image of a ferryman. [color=silver]“Welcome to the club Johny, your father would be proud of you. Rest his soul.”[/color] The olderman had taken a step forward grabbing the boy by the shoulders. [color=silver]“You're in the big leagues now, just like me and Nero here.”[/color] [color=00aeef]“Thanks Paulie. I've been looking forward to today.”[/color] [color=0054a6]“Now then to the matter at hand.”[/color] Hades said from his now seated position behind his desk as the three men quickly snapped their attention to him. [color=0054a6]“As you know today was our annual little get together for the whole family along with some others like us. But things were cut short when.”[/color] Hades paused for a second doing his best to contain the swelling anger that was rising in him. [color=0054a6]“It was cut short by my son and daughter falling from the damn skylight. Dead. Fucking Dead!!”[/color] Hades yelled the last portion of his sentence as he slammed his fist into the desk denting it slightly. [color=0054a6]“I want whoever did this, and I want them alive.”[/color] The oldest man of the three, Paulie, showed the same emotions as Hades did as he spoke [color=silver]“Don't you worry bout a thing boss. We’ll find the son of a bitch who thinks they can get away with it.”[/color] [color=fff200]“We got any leads yet?”[/color] Nero, the middle aged man added in, [color=fff200]“I can't imagine someone wanting to hurt those two kids.”[/color] [color=0054a6]“Well my gut feeling would be my whore of a brother and his snake of a wife. They tried once before and I won't put it past them trying again.”[/color] Hades paused for a moment to think about his statement, it was true that he still suspected his brother but something was telling him that Zeus wasn’t the cause of his problems this time. [color=0054a6]“For the time being we're going to play this by ear until we get more info. Nero put in a call to our friends at the station and see if they can help shed some light on what my niece finds out after today. Other than that, do whatever you have to find answers. I don't care how many skulls you have to crack or how much blood needs to flow so long as we find whoever did this.” [/color] The three men nodded as they made their way for the door before Johnny was stopped by Hades once again. [color=0054a6]“And Johnny, you're a boss now. You speak with my authority and understand. Anyone questions that you put them inline. No time for fuck ups.” [/color] Once Hades was the last one left and he was sure the three had fully left the premises he let out a breath of exhaustion he didn't know he was holding in. He let his hand hang in his hands for a few moments allowing his mind to drift off for just the slightest bit of peace until he was interrupted by the loud sound of the grandfather clock ticking away. Hades turned to stare at the clock for a minute almost in a daze as he watched the second hand rhythmically tick away with each passing second. [color=0054a6]“Why do you haunt me so?” [/color]