[b]Large Magellanic Cloud (Makudan Designation: Extretus)[/b] "It's larger than we imagined.[i] It's the best place to eradicate the troubles inhabiting the stars and bask the Cloud in our glory.[/i]" The High Admiral glanced towards the astronomical features of the Extretus. Bright stars were littered across the fascinating, colorful displays of molecular clouds, some even bright enough to read a book within the ship with no lights on. And the design of the flagship, there were curved beams of armor spiraling and wrapping around the intricate, aerodynamic shapes of the spacecraft. A huge cloud of smaller ships surrounded the High Admiral's, which led the expansion fleet. She made a few gestures, splitting the fleet and directing the subfleets towards the nearest star systems with identified planets. The ships raced towards their respective locations, arriving within a few moments of the command. The slaughter began afterward. [i]It was a fairly cloudy day. Various tribes of different cultures, all in the same world, began to do their daily duties. The farmers were busy harvesting their crops, the miners were occupied with slamming their tools to the rocks, carrying their load back to within carts, wives selling whatever their husbands had made in their jobs, and warlords preparing their armies for combat with rivaling tribes. The creaking sounds of the wheels of carts, the aroma of grilled meat in their homes, the grunts of farmers carrying sacks of their harvest, they were all around the busy villages. Today, however, something caught their interest. Odd glowing balls in the sky suddenly appeared, slowly descending down the sky. Some moved in erratic directions, some gradually growed larger, and some were orbiting larger balls. The people knelt before the sight, for they have taken the mysterious event as the sign of their Gods appearing. Some prayed fervently, some held wooden crafts of worship in their hands, others, simply stared while kneeling, left astonished. Once the chaotic explosions began, people were raising their hands up the sky, as if they want to be claimed by their "gods". Indeed they were, figuratively.[/i]