[color=darkgray] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3EdPgr4.png[/img] [url=https://i.imgur.com/6gciQD1.jpg?1]Pancake-eater Outfit[/url][/center] [Color=salmon][b]Time:[/b][/color] Morning [Color=salmon][b]Location:[/b][/color] Pancakes at the Park [Color=salmon][b]Interaction:[/b][/color] Ruby [@SausagePat] [Color=salmon][b]Mention:[/b][/color][hr] Lorenzo held his ground so sure that he had asserted himself, something he had rarely indulged in. He wanted so badly to smile at such a grand moment but the confrontation was far from over. He’d have to keep up his farce of aggressiveness to ironically stay out of trouble, or so that is what he believed. Surprisingly even the vagrant woman had reinforced him despite their initial interaction. It was Charlotte’s arrival that caused the duke’s eyes to widen some. He hadn’t even granted thought to the fact that he was causing such a huge scene during what was supposed to be a calming morning feast. [color=BBC7E1]"Um, is everything okay?"[/color] Her words softened his expression as his goal was not to embarrass her but instead be like a frigate bird and intimidate an unruly patron. [color=salmon]“Of course, Charlotte. Just having a slight disagreement is all.”[/color] He attempted to downplay the moment but caught her scowling at the man he was having trouble with. Lorenzo would do anything to keep his dear Lottie out of situations like this. He had started to mentally find some way to gain control of things while he felt he could when the strangest thing happened…. Charlotte actually knew the vagrant. [color=salmon][i]By name?[/i][/color] This was just another concern to put atop the pile Lorenzo shamefully owned. He would definitely have a talk with her later. Charlotte had knack for bringing home oddities, people included. [color=BBC7E1]"Hello again, Ruby. It's nice to see you... You have picked out an impressive selection of waffles for yourself there, I see."[/color] [color=C17ECE] “Hello Charlotte. Oh, dear. You must get yourself a plate… Did you ever find your papa?”[/color] [color=salmon]“You know her?”[/color] Lorenzo would have said more but Dr.John Williamson had arrived and in style. Lorenzo wouldn’t say it out loud but the two-finger mock salute was absolutely stunning and something he wished to use himself… and so he did just that. He returned the gesture with a slight nod. [color=salmon]“Greetings to you as well Dr. Williamson. It is a pleasure to see you again.”[/color] Lorenzo said almost smitten with the presence of good company. Lorenzo had nearly forgotten his altercation that was still very present as the man with the blond slicked back hair was fuming now. The duke had invited not one, but two people to join him in the holding up of the waffle line. At first, he thought himself outnumbered until he heard the mumbled complaints from those behind him. Besides, he was dealing with Duke Vikena, the fool of the royal court. The patron balled his fists and let his voice carry with intensity! [color=tan]“NO MORE! The only fool that’ll be in the damned newspaper is you, the waffle bitch, the fucker in the green, yes you! And your whore of daughter!”[/color] The man took a single step forward, asserting that he wouldn’t be backing down. [color=tan]“The ‘Whore of Veirmont’ is bound to surpass her father and hop on every single Alidasht-shezzy-prince cock, you rat-faced son of a bitch!”[/color] The man quickly reminded him that the issue had not simply gone away, and Lorenzo couldn’t agree more. The man never cared much about the soiling of his own name, but Charlotte was off limits! He gripped the plate in his hand as he got ready to shout back but the other man spoke sooner. [color=salmon]“...”[/color] [color=tan]“And you fucking stand there and block us commoners from enjoying delicious waffles! Is that all Duke Lorenzo is good for?! Ruining every fucking event with his presence?! Or is the bastard only good at getting away with murdering his cunt of a wife aye?!”[/color] [color=salmon]“...”[/color] [color=mediumpurple]“Move out of the way! We’re hungry back here!”[/color] [color=royalblue]“Stop this senseless bickering! I want waffles!”[/color] [color=lime]“Is that crazy duke really holding up our breakfast?!”[/color] [color=tan]“You hear them or are you fucking deaf, Duke Vikena?! Move the fuck on so we can have our waffles!”[/color] The man stepped closer to the frozen Lorenzo. [color=tan]“Move, won’t you!”[/color] Despite his words he wasn’t asking. [color=salmon]“...”[/color] [color=tan]“For fuck sake, I’ll just take em!”[/color] The man proceeded to shove Lorenzo, but was gripped by his hands and swung into the serving table, knocking the table with the remaining waffles over. In the process, Lorenzo had dropped his own empty plate onto the grass. [color=salmon]“Have them then!”[/color] Lorenzo watched as the patron toppled over the falling table and onto the ground taking every single waffle left with him. [color=royalblue]“WHAT IN THE FUCK?![/color] [color=mediumpurple]“THE WAFFLES!”[/color] What had Lorenzo done now? [/color]