[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180805/88f4ea53271bcf1d43d1efbb1a7e2dda.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180925/a7d1c6d0d75b0b6a37dd245ba3f48f99.png[/img][hr][hr][@Morose][@Nallore][@KazAlkemi][@Kirah][/center][hr] [color=007236]"I mean... Yeah she kind of is dealing a bit with other situations right now... Might be best to try to either wait a little bit since not sure how she'd react to the idea that her cousin ended up stranded here. Then again, she might not be too thrilled if she found out that we knew and didn't say anything... This whole thing is just so screwed up and definitely still on the list of problems we have currently..."[/color] she was not too sure how to deal with that entire situation. The Klara who had left Asgard with them wasn't the real one, but then again, there wasn't much to explain when the switch happened. The thought then crossed her mind with regards to why Runa wouldn't have said anything about what Klara had said on Asgard. [color=007236]"We still don't even have a timeline for the switch really... I mean one reason why Runa might not have said anything about her lying if Loki is involved would be if Klara who helped us get out of prison was the real Klara, and while on Asgard she got switched. But from what you had said before, Klara didn't appear at the Bifrost bridge until later, which wouldn't make sense for that. Especially since you said the spell pointed to directly off the bridge itself... Which means that odds are Klara would have had to have gotten switched [i]before[/i] we got to Asgard, so the person who broke us out of space prison wasn't her. That's the only thing that makes sense, which goes back to what Runa potentially knew. So, could be that Loki is still locked up, or considering what other issues we were dealing with Runa just chose not to say anything to make our situation at the time worse... Either are possible and guessing we'll find out the truth eventually... As for her not wanting to really talk to you and being a bit aggressive about it isn't that surprising, after all, her memories are scrambled and she has no reason to believe a word you say... Not to mention she kind of has a telepath that is not exactly the nicest person around. Making things incredibly difficult to talk to her... But we need to convince her before we even try to go back to our reality..."[/color] Lance looked over at Runa as she seemingly was trying to get the Bifrost to work. [color=yellow]"Look... I don't know how things are really on Asgard... But based on Thor basically being stuck here and unable to go back, probably safe to say someone else is in control of the Bifrost or something... Which might explain why you aren't able to get them to open things up... Things kind of seem like they aren't the best really..."[/color] he said calmly, trying to give her some sort of comfort really. Then again, he had no idea what else to really say to her, but he powered off the computer that he had been messing with and walked towards the door to the lab. [color=yellow]"We should maybe try and see if the others got anything useful... We can grab stuff from here if we really need anything, but there likely isn't much here after all... You okay though right? Or do you want a minute before we go back over to the others?"[/color] Klara meanwhile looked at Bethany and shrugged slightly, [color=FF17F2]"Yeah, no problem, can probably carry more then the both of you combined anyway, so give me all of that and let's go or something."[/color] She instantly started picking up a bunch of the random bits and pieces off the floor. The stack she was carrying kept growing, before eventually she had a big pile of random tech, and started heading out of the room and back to where everyone else was. She walked into the middle of the room, and more or less dropped the pile eventually on the ground, [color=FF17F2]"Well, wonder if you guys can figure out how best to use this sort of stuff. Fixing a ship, not sure I'd be much help aside from doing some heavy lifting to fix the ship eventually, but oh well, that'll be fun to deal with."[/color] Pietro just listened to Guin, nodding his head as she spoke. [color=7ea7d8]"Well, the best we can do is try to get out of this place as soon as possible... And maybe back home we can do our best to forget what seems to have happened here and move on... This isn't our home Guina... The people we've seen aren't the people we know, and the counterparts of us that we've run into... They aren't us... Even if... Even if we can easily see ourselves in them, aside from obviously looking alike and all..."[/color] His counterpart really did bug him a bit, considering he was a murdering psychopath. [color=7ea7d8]"How about we go see about catching up with the others and try to figure out if anyone found anything useful, okay?"[/color]