[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006946319472001246/1010593717465395271/Ashevelen_Token.png[/img][/center] And time passed. A mere minute for a divine but for the Umbra and the Satyrs it was a long time. Months or maybe a year or two? Ashevelen didn’t teach them how to count days as there weren’t any at first but then, night came and with night, the Umbral Woods became a proper home for the Umbra. No longer “trapped” in their part of the forest, some decided to scour the lands and do what it was commanded, trade with the other mortals. A village was built in the southwest, close to the forest border where the Umbra were first created. The village was designed in a squared manner with each inner square having a designation. Living quarters, market, hunters etc but the most important square was at the centre of it. A house of worship or simply a bazaar where Ashevelen would occasionally rest from her travels, spend time answering questions for the Umbra/Satyr combination and maybe the most important thing for her, trade with the Umbra. Menial things for a Goddess were brought forth and if Ashe found the traders good in their deals, rewards were given out. The leadership of the village was of a dictatorial order with a High Archon in charge of everything of the village. Coincidentally, the High Archon was also the best merchant in the village and the one that Ashevelen chose herself after a trade deal that lasted 4 full days. Outside of the village, a circle of houses, barracks and watchtowers was formed. The Circle was the home of the Satyrs. Protectors of Umbra and the forest. While they weren’t Ashevelen’s creations, they were viewed as such but still they had a purpose and the Umbra had a different one. They weren’t meant to live together, they were meant to protect the Umbra and that’s what they did. Every day from morning to evening, they would train with sharpened sticks and they would scout their part of the forest, eliminating anything that might pose a threat to their charges. Their leadership was of a militaristic order as it was decreed and they answered to none but the Goddess herself. Together with the High Archon, they would meet every week and talk about concerns and plans for the future. In this whole time, Ashevelen turned to studying something that always fascinated her. Shadows. The Umbra were her first experiment and they proved successful for now but further study was needed and study she did. Each day she would manipulate the shadows in different ways, moving them around, making them solid for seconds or simply creating them in places where shadows weren’t supposed to be until…[b] something [/b] unlocked in her. Shadows swirled around her and it was said that all the Umbra felt her transition to the Goddess of [color=black]Shadow[/color]-[color=gold]Trading[/color]. [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006946263599677521/1014229630783340544/ShadowsAspectToken.png[/img][/center] Suddenly her form changed, shadows twirled around her and bent with her every move. Hair turned black and her robes would constantly change colours from a black that almost seemed alive to the flowery gold she had before and as soon as her transition ended, she appeared in the middle of the Umbra village. With a shout and a move of her hands, shadows gathered around her body and an explosion of energy was expunged from it in a circle and spread around the village, Circle and bit further up the forest while leaving most of it to the original inhabitants. Changing [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/40/c4/21/40c421c9a46f64332a5631a2ea1ab877.jpg]trees[/url], [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/7a11d1a8-6c7a-4e02-9149-4e5f0d65fa90/dbvxg3r-6cf83cf6-d248-40d8-a734-cb856f00399b.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzdhMTFkMWE4LTZjN2EtNGUwMi05MTQ5LTRlNWYwZDY1ZmE5MFwvZGJ2eGczci02Y2Y4M2NmNi1kMjQ4LTQwZDgtYTczNC1jYjg1NmYwMDM5OWIucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.6SJn0UcNqTiwp3WBEM78KYWEXy2igqohK06-aXTaTRI]animals[/url] and everything in its path into shadowy forms of themselves. The Satyr’s weapon, made out of the wood from the trees Ashevelen changed, turned shadowy as well, barely being able to be held by the Satyrs now as their almost intangible form was different from what they trained with. Shouts of wonder, joy and confusion could be heard in the village as well as in the Circle but with a held-up hand, Ashevelen stopped them all. “[color=aa6c39] Listen to me, my creations and listen well! I have made this place your home, everything around us has now been transformed into an Umbral way. Rejoice for I was not able to give you this gift earlier but now you have it. My Satyrs. Umbral forest guardians. Learn how to use your new environment to your advantage, know that shadows are now your friends and you shan’t need to fear them. Your weapons are made now out of the same material as the Umbra, use them wisely. [/color]” said Ashe, her voice like a thousand thunders so that all could hear her. The forest resonated with her voice and wind carried it long outside the forest borders. The Umbras were elated by the change and tried approaching their Goddess with offerings but as soon as they approached, Ashevelen disappeared. Using the shadows to transport herself in a different part of the forest. Looking upwards from where she was, Ashevelen took flight and surveyed the home of the Umbra. A part of the forest and land around it transformed as per her will. Barely anything was green anymore, everything bowed down to the shadows at night, while during the day, it would look as they did before. Such was the shadowy aspect of Ashevelen. Thinking about what might happen if others would try to attack the Umbra and potentially defeat the Satyrs, Ashe got another idea and with a smile she gathered her power once more. Out of nowhere, shadows appeared and gathered around Ashe, forming a circle that went on and on into the sky until they finally got into her hands and with them joined she pushed all the energy downwards. A black crater formed where the energy hit and out of it, [url=https://www.kindpng.com/picc/m/98-983179_dark-shadow-shadow-creature-png-download-shadows-monster.png] [i] things [/i] [/url] appeared. More and more of them came out until the energy stopped and so did their appearance. Ashe flew downwards where a number of Satyrs already gathered, surrounding the creatures which didn’t enjoy it. Teeth bared and talons sharp, the Satyrs wouldn’t have stood a chance against them. The Tarsk stood up to 2 metres tall with long sharp teeth and even sharper claws. A number of eyes on their heads that allowed them an almost 360 view around them. Carnivorous and highly territorial. “[color=aa6c39] Peace! Calm my creations. Calm. Satyrs, these are Tarsk. Your new animals of burden. Use them as you will but don’t harm them on purpose. [/color]” said Ashe with a wave towards the Tarsk to signal them to be calm. The Satyrs approached carefully but upon seeing that the Tarsk were calm and welcoming to their presence, they quickly forgot their previous caution and started guiding them to the Circle. As the Tarsk were brought to the Circle, Ashe looked with curiosity upon the Umbra/Satyr combination as they began feeding them with shadow meat from an animal they recently killed but tragedy was bound to happen. Unused to tending animals, one of the Satyrs approached too much to the mouth of a Tarsk as it fed and like any animal, it leapt towards the Satyr in a protective manner. Mouth open and claws poised to strike. Before anyone could intervene, a nearby Umbra jumped in front of the Tarsk with one hand turned into a large spike. The Tarsk went straight through it but not before taking a huge bite from the Umbra which couldn’t turn intangible as its spike was stuck in the Tarsk. Another spike was put through the Tarsk as it clawed the Umbra, each not wanting to die, each clinging to life with as much power as they had. That is, until Ashevelen appeared next to the Tarsk and Umbra and with a flick of her hand they both were pushed aside. The Tarsk was slowly dying, letting out a deadly howl and while the Umbra stood up to nod in thanks to the Ashevelen, it quickly went down as well. Not dead yet but slowly fading from life. Ashe approached the dying Umbra and was surprised to see it smiling. “[color=black] Did…did…I…save…him?[/color]” said the Umbra with its dying breath. “[color=aa6c39] You’re dying, in the presence of your creator and you’re worried if you managed to save the other one? [/color]” replied Ashe with a grin of her own. Shaking her head, she touched the Umbra with the tip of her finger and a dark substance came out of it, surrounding the Umbra, healing any and all wounds it sustained. “[color=aa6c39] Rise, my child and be blessed. You have earned yourself a second chance at life. [/color]” said Ashe, as the confused Umbra stood up. Its dark form somehow becoming darker and more malleable than before. “[color=black] My Goddess? What is happening to me? [/color]” asked in a very confused manner the Umbra. “[color=aa6c39] I name thee, Penumbra. My hero. My champion. I have made the Umbra to be traders and avoid conflict but you’ve jumped straight into danger to save your fellow mortal with no fear for your own life. Fighting and killing a stronger opponent than you. While not a very successful merchant, you’ve proven yourself to be a warrior. You shall only answer to me from now on and none may ever take this status from you, no matter what. [/color]” Penumbra stood silently and listened with reverence as he was praised by its creator. In the end, it went down on the floor, arms opened wide to each side in a sign of respect. “[color=black] I thank you, my Goddess. Whatever task you give me, I shall strive to accomplish it. May I ask what your first task is for me? [/color]” “[color=aa6c39] Gather whatever weapons you wish and know how to use and go north. Walk until the edge of the forest, meet your neighbours, let them know they’re always welcome to trade and determine if they will pose a threat to the Umbra. [/color]” With a nod of respect, Penumbra stood up, only to see the amazed looks of the Satyrs and Umbra alike. All gathered around forming a circle around him and Ashevelen. As Ashe took her leave, the crowd burst out in cheers. Some congratulating their new champion, while others offering advice on what’s to come. [hider=Summary] An Umbra village develops and around it a Satyr one as well. Ashevelen learns how to use shadows and unlocks the Shadow aspect. She changes a part of the Darkwoods into the Umbral Forest with her new powers, altering the environment. Ashevelen also decides that the Satyrs might not be enough to protect the woods and creates Tarsk. Highly territorial and loyal creatures. One Tarsk became feral as a Satyr approached too much to its food and an Umbra jumped in front of it, defending the Satyr. In a sign of benevolence, Ashe elevates the Umbra to the status of Hero and names it…Penumbra! [/hider] [hider=MP/AP expenses] [b]Starting MP:[/b] 5 [b]Starting AP:[/b] 5 -3 MP to acquire new aspect [b] SHADOWS [/b] -1 AP (discounted from 2 AP) to make a minor change to the landscape. -1 AP (discounted from 2 AP) to create an extraordinary non-sapient species -1 AP to create a hero -1 AP to teach the Umbra how to build sturdy buildings using wood [b]Ending MP:[/b] 2 MP [b]Ending AP:[/b] 1 AP [/hider] [hider=Summary of the Tarsk] [url=https://www.kindpng.com/picc/m/98-983179_dark-shadow-shadow-creature-png-download-shadows-monster.png]Tarsk[/url] are carnivourous creatures that are 2 metre tall creatures with the intelligence of a wolf. They've got a multitude of eyes which provide an almost 360 view of their surroundings. Their teeth and claws are very sharp and will not hesitate to use them on those that intrude on their territory. They're very territorial but loyal to their owners if tamed. [/hider]