[hider=Yumerei Itsuki] [b]Name:[/b] Yumerei Itsuki [hider=Yumerei Itsuki] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/69/57/2e/69572e61b59712c429fe47c39c3ea517.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Hero Name:[/b] Lady Lullaby [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Height:[/b] 5'10" [b]Home:[/b] Kyoto, Japan [b]Quirk Type:[/b] Emitter [b]Quirk (As of this moment): Lullaby:[/b] Yumerei has a unique quirk that has the ability to neutralize other quirks. The quirk requires Yumerei to emit some kind of sound or tune (she prefers humming) and to focus on the target in her mind. Slowly but surely, the target becomes drowsy and eventually falls asleep if they are in earshot. The longer the target resists, the more prone they are to experiencing mild to severe effects of sleep deprivation until they lose consciousness. Once in this mystical slumber, the target’s quirk(s) are nullified. They do not regain use of their quirk(s) until they awaken. The effect is nearly instantaneous and more potent on already sleeping or unconscious targets. The effect can be extended if Yumerei continues to emit her tune into an unconscious target’s ear. She can currently slumber a target for 3 to 5 minutes per initial application and 5-10 minutes for successive applications. [b]Quirk Drawbacks:[/b] Yumerei’s quirk takes anywhere between roughly 30 seconds to 5 minutes to activate (tending to be quicker on targets with a milder constitution) and can currently only affect up to 2 targets at a time. If she doesn’t focus on a target, it can cause “friendly fire.” It can take a little longer for her quirk to activate if the target is stimulated or experiencing the effects of adrenaline. Using a medium (like a phone or radio) effectively doubles how long it takes for it to activate currently. The quirk can only be used 2-3 times a day (depending on how many people Yumerei attempts to affect, how long she emits her tune, or how loudly) before her voice gets hoarse or she loses it all together. Overuse of her power has even been known to cause her breathing problems. Speed type heroes tend to recover from its effects quicker. [b]Strengths:[/b] [i]Cunning Strategic Support Combat Training Nullification & Capture[/i] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [i]Selfish Cocky Reconnaissance Rescue Building Trust[/i] [b]Background/Personality:[/b] Yumerei Itsuki was adopted by a corporate working class man in Kyoto, Japan when she was only an infant. While she never necessarily wanted for anything, as everything she needed was always provided by her parents, everything beyond her needs she has earned through her hard work and natural capability. Yumerei’s fathers were never able to get ahead in their careers or social lives the same way some heterosexual japanese couples were able due to the stigma against queer people in Japan. They also aren’t legally married (only in a same sex partnership) and only 1 of them is technically her legal parent (the one who works). But that has never stopped Yumerei’s other dad (or her Chichi as she affectionately refers to him) from loving her and providing for her at home. Because of their social circumstances, Yumerei’s dads had her train in various forms of self defense and fighting in martial arts tournaments starting from a young age. And because of their financial circumstances, Yumerei started working as a server at a lounge as soon as she turned 15. Normally, a person’s quirk manifests no later than the age of 4 but, Yumerei was perhaps a very late bloomer. One day, on her break, she chose to sing a small tune to liven up the place at the urging of her manager, little did she know, her singing would have the opposite effect, putting the entire place to sleep – the staff included! The doctors said that Yumerei’s quirk likely manifested earlier in her life, despite a lack of indicators, but that she hadn’t been able to activate it until later for reasons that were unclear. Whether it was circumstance or sheer luck, Yumerei’s quirk changed the way she saw her future. Now, she could be a hero. She continued fighting in martial arts tournaments and sometimes using her quirk to secretly win them. She practiced outside of her training to perfect holds and methods of fighting that complimented her power and leaned into her cunning and capable nature to try and make sure she had the upper hands on her opponents. She even invested in a capturing weapon. With confidence in her heart that UA could give her the tools she needed to succeed, she applied to their school. [b]How did you get into UA:[/b] Exam [b]Class:[/b] 1-B [b]What was a fateful moment in the exam or recommendation:[/b] During the exam Yumerei scored exceptional marks on the written test and scored highly in the support category. Her reconnaissance scored in the mid range and her rescue left something to be desired. Yumerei was determined to leave her mark though. During the combat portion, Yumerei teamed up with a group of 3 other potential students to take down as many villains as they could. When the opportunity struck, Yumerei attempted to “use her quirk to affect the villains” but, “coincidentally” put her allies to sleep; securing an enormous bounty of nearly defeated “villains” for herself and giving a significant bump to her combat score at the cost of the other applicants. The faculty was not amused with her liberal interpretation of the rules or her “creativity” and debated disqualification before deciding, by a narrow margin, that she passed.[/hider]