[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/mTxFBtk/Nur-header-2.png[/img] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLmMyZTViYy5TMjlpY21FZ1FXZGxiblEuMA/sinbad-the-sailor.regular.webp[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyc_19-8s6c]I got my eye on you[/url] [/center] [hr] [color=Lightcoral]"Listen up boys!"[/color] Standing on top of a suspended bridge the dark haired girl spoke to the teens below. The tattered remains of their clothes hung to their unnaturally muscular frames. Most of them were staring up at the bridge, unable to act upon free will. They were lured to this facility after what seemed to be an innocent date with a beautiful girl and were subjected to some sort of experiment. Now they were unable to escape, not knowing if they would ever return to their normal lives. [color=Palevioletred]“I’m hosting a contest tonight. Any minute now a bunch of do good heroes are going to infiltrate this facility. They’re going to try and rescue you all.”[/color] One of the Kobra agents snapped his head into her direction. He left his post and stomped over to the center of the bridge. He grabbed and twisted her arm behind her back in one quick motion. [color=Green]“What the hell did you just say?!”[/color] Unbothered, she kept talking. [color=Palevioletred]“Everyone who manages to not get captured is getting a prize. I’d love it if you can rough them up a litte. Test out your new muscles, but no casualties. That will make me very unhappy.”[/color] The Kobra agent lost it, shaking her roughly to get her attention. [color=Green]“What the fuck are you doing? Why didn’t you…”[/color] [color=Cornflowerblue]BOOM!!![/color] In a split second the Kobra agent went from holding the girl to being in a deadly vice grip, with a leg twisted around his neck. He was forced down to the hard cold metal of the bridge, taking in shallow breaths. [color=Palevioletred]“You didn’t pay for this bit of intel. I don’t do anything for free.”[/color] The last thing he could see before losing consciousness were the mutated teens, scrambling to take their positions. The facility was designed around the main hangar, a large open space with a sublevel. From there a long hallway with multiple rooms reached out to the back of the estate. After the chaos of the exploding wall subsided, the entire hangar was empty. The teens that were just there minutes ago had seemingly vanished. Outside of the breached wall the Team was ready to enter. Once they would set foot into the facility they would find themselves in near complete darkness. The lights had gone out. It was eerily quiet and desolate. In the darkness, emerald green eyes were stalking the Team from up high. The agent was suspended from the drawbridge armed with a sniper rifle, loaded up with paralyzing darts. She had her legs hooked through the metal bars and was hanging upside down, adjusting her aim. [color=Palevioletred][i]Who’s going first?[/i][/color]