[color=silver] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ytrnT1r.png?2[/img][/center] [Color=lightblue][b]Time:[/b][/color] Evening [Color=lightblue][b]Location:[/b][/color] Fog Beast Lair [Color=lightblue][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Isolde [@Blizz], Dante [@Alivefalling], Menzai [@samreaper], and Aidan [@potter] [Color=lightblue][b]Mentions:[/b][/color] [Hider=Equipment:] Hunting Knife (with a purple marking on the handle) Armor Deflection Channeling Gloves [url=https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/016/980/670/large/robyn-clara-black-war-paint.jpg?1554205631]Ergen named Marble[/url] [url=https://imgur.com/jCJexzN]Padded Cloth Armor[/url] Memory Glass Teeth Cleanser Hair Cleanser Hair Softener Body Cleanser Armpit Fragrance Wayfinder Backpack 4 flasks 3 Medium Red Potions 4 Medium Blue Potions 3 Black Potions [url=https://imgur.com/a/NHVyiTT]Elven Outfit[/url] 170 [/hider] [hr] The group of five venture forth into the wilderness with Mensai taking the lead. Along the way, Darius couldn’t help but feel anxious at the thought of getting into a real fight with what he could only assume from Menzai’s instructions was a dangerous creature. It was during the trek, that Darius attempted to be sly while walking closely beside Menzai. [color=lightblue]“So… I wonder if this fog beast is [i]of fog[/i] or just [i] in the fog[/i] y’know?”[/color] Of course Darius failed at trying to squeeze a bit of extra information out of Menzai as he always had. Fortune slightly favored him as his question might have been answered when the group approached and stepped into an unnaturally thick fog. It was cool against his skin but not in a refreshing way. The cold touch of the fog threatened to form goosebumps across his skin. And the smell… It wasn’t awful but it made him ponder what could be producing such a scent. [color=lightblue][i]Shit is about to get real…[/i][/color] He hadn’t said a word in a minute or two which wasn’t normal of him. Darius was just too nervous about the situation at hand. Then he heard it, the sounds from the creature briefly stopping him in his tracks. He sighed as he realized his instincts took hold of him and continued with the others. Looking at each of them, he wondered how they were holding up. Everyone was quiet, so it was hard to tell, but if Darius were to guess, he might have been the most bothered by the situation. [color=lightblue][i]I have them with me though. We’ll beat this thing together.[/i][/color] He tightened his grip around the knife he had grabbed earlier. He felt something run down his face. [color=lightblue][i]Am I really sweating? Come on it can’t be that bad.[/i][/color] He wiped away the droplet that had run along his jawline just before Menzai came to a halt [color=92278f]“The beast lurks within to the northeast about twenty-two feet within. I shall lead you until we are nearly upon it then from that moment forth it shall be up to the four of you to determine how to handle the creature. Remember my rules and know that I will give no aid nor advice unless things go dire which I will give the command to retreat. One warning… Refuse and you will remain at the village. You merely need to knock it unconscious for victory though if you slay it then I will offer a bonus reward to each of you.”[/color] Darius gave Menzai a silent nod as he looked into his left hand which he used to wipe his face. He raised his eyebrow for a moment. [color=lightblue]“Is..?”[/color] He looked around at the surrounding fog and for a moment wafting his left hand around as he did so. [color=lightblue]“Of course!”[/color] Darius covered his mouth after the exclamation. [color=lightblue]“Sorry, I thought I was so nervous I was sweating, but it’s vapor in the fog. I mean, I’m not nervous. Just thought that sweat equaled nervousness, which was kinda silly to think I was in the first place. Anyway, no more shouting out of me.”[/color] After some time, the group continued. With each step, Darius slightly winced. He hated the feeling of mud under his feet, and that’s exactly what this felt like. [color=lightblue][i]Why couldn’t we have just fought a firebreathing dragon in a cave or a giant cyclops in the hills? I’d be away from my element but this kinda sucks.[/i][/color] [/color]