[@Blu] [@SouffleGirl123] [color=00a651][u][b][h2][center]Kentaro Mishima[/center] [/h2][/b][/u][/color] A loud alarm started blaring inside the small bedroom that Kentaro was currently in. A large hand reached over to gently slap the snooze button on the machine. “[color=00a651]Damn it, I was having such a good dream.[/color]” Said dream was of him in a jacuzzi with some beautiful women, while a man dressed as a mime was making paninis’. The older man slowly gets out of his bed after stretching his arms and legs. Doing his regular morning routine of brushing his teeth, and getting dressed for work. Picking his usual outfit of a garish jacket and tie. The rest of his outfit seemed something from the 1970s. Smoking a cigarette while having a cup of coffee, sitting on his balcony watching the people on the street. His mind wandered to how his day was going to go, he hoped that it would be at the very least entertaining. After finishing his cigarette and coffee, he put out his cigarette and put away his coffee cup. Locking his door, while making sure that it was locked by jiggling the handle. Heading down the stairs and towards his car. The drive over to the office was quite uneventful. Walking into the lobby of the office, Smiling at the reflection while snapping his fingers. Pointing at his reflection with his fingers shaped like guns. Pointing his finger guys at the security guard in the lobby, “[color=00a651]Yo, how are you guys doin? Ya, see the baseball game yesterday? It was a close game between the Tigers and the Giants.[/color]” Walking towards the elevator, he whistled at some women passing by him. The elevator ride was quite awkward for the people riding with Kentaro. Kentaro was trying to make small talk, while also giving inappropriate compliments to the women around him. The other employees were quickly rushing out of the elevator when it came time for them to leave. Ken got off on his floor and went straight towards the coffee sitting on the counter, "Thanks Netsu-kun". Looking around the break room, before pouring a bit of rum from a flask into his cup. Drinking a little from the coffee cup, he noticed Ayaka coming into the break room. “[color=00a651]OH Ayaka-chan, how are you? You are looking very beautiful in that outfit~[/color]” The older man smiled, his eyes scanning over her body. “[color=00a651]I have some reports for you to fill out later. if you would be able to get that done by the end of the day that would be great.[/color]” He took another sip of his coffee, hearing the announcement causing him to roll his eyes. Mr. Hanazawa just wants to talk about ways for the team to work harder. “[color=00a651]We can talk about the reports later Ayaka-chan~".[/color]” Winking at Ayaka before walking towards the conference room. Trying to make some small talk with another office woman.