[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/892990868066295829/1015768618115551443/Copy_of_Gold_Icons_Template_10.png[/img] [sub]Interactions: N/A (but the Delilah chunk of this post was brought to you by [@princess].)[/sub][/center] [color=gray] Anger was not a productive emotion, especially not on Devan Vikena. Unfortunately, it was the [i]only[/i] emotion that made any sense to him right now. The carriage ride out to the Vikena Estate had felt [i]long[/i], longer even because he couldn't seem to settle down. Each moment he spent listening to the sound of hooves passing over the ground was another moment where he was replaying his final conversations with his parents in his mind. His mother had tried to excuse the decision, sad-eyed and unable to vocalize her emotions productively while his father had rose his voice until the sound of it echoed across the halls. He had yelled back, of course, angry and spiteful. He had been insistent that they couldn't just send him off like a fitful child when they were tired of dealing with him, that they had no [i]right[/i] to act like this was anything but an attempt to get away from him. The screaming match between him and his father had gone on for an hour, maybe two, and then he'd wound up in a carriage on the fast track back to a place that reminded him of his childhood. So, he was [i]angry[/i]. Not only was he angry, he was upset, but he was significantly less capable of working [i]that[/i] out than anger. So, he was [i]content[/i] with being angry. The ride towards the estate was silent, each bump made him grit his teeth and when they finally arrived, he was quick to gather his luggage and go. The place hadn't changed much since his last visit, it rarely did and it hadn't been so long that it should have. Still, there was an odd comfort to be found in traversing paths that he had traversed for years, knowing where they lead and what waited beyond them. It was comforting but a reminder of exactly why he was so [i]mad[/i]. Win some, lose some. The sound of the [i]fountain[/i] was even comforting, it threatened to lull him into a false sense of security. He pushed onwards, only stopping when he stood outside the door. He pushed the door open and the smell of [i]childhood[/i] washed over him, nearly overwhelmed him with it's warmth. The place was too open for his tastes, always had been, but it was grand and beautiful and for the first time in a few hours-- Devan [i]exhaled[/i]. He felt like a deflating balloon. One moment his shoulders were raised defensively, a scowl in place and the next-- he was staring out across this place and wondering why he'd been so mad to begin with. Quite suddenly, he wondered if maybe [i]he[/i] had been a bit unreasonable. [i]Surely not[/i]. All the same, the buzzing that had consumed his mind for so long had settled into a low hum. He thought, that maybe, just maybe, he felt [i]sad[/i] but he very quickly smothered that. He, luckily, didn't have much time to mull over the complexities of his emotions because just as [i]that[/i] threatened to rise up, he spotted the maid. A lady who was not much older than him with a headful of golden hair, who he recognized as-- "[color=7685C9]Delilah?[/color]" [color=7ea7d8]"Oh! Sir Devan!"[/color] Truthfully, Delilah had not had a chance to remind Duke Lorenzo nor Lady Charlotte that Devan was coming for the summer. She hoped that maybe it would be a pleasant surprise. She smiled and offered him a hug, perhaps unusual behavior from a maid but behavior he wouldn't be surprised by as the Vikena staff had a different relationship with their employers than most. [color=7ea7d8]"It's so nice to see you, sweetie!"[/color] She did also recall that Devan could be quite [i]a little shithead[/i], but she always tried to be kind to him the best she could. However, if he barked up her tree, she had no issue putting him back down on the ground. [color=7ea7d8]"Let me help you with your luggage. Nathaniel and I can bring it to your room for you...I can fix you up some food if you like or you can cross the street to the park to see your Uncle Lorenzo and Cousin Charlotte. I do believe some pancakes are being given out for free there... You'll find them there certainly."[/color] The feeling of someone folding him into their arms was alarmingly [i]nice[/i], and for a brief moment, it made him feel like there was something stuck in his throat. He abruptly cleared his throat to fight it down. [i]Do not [b]cry[/b], you big baby.[/i] "[color=7685C9]Uh..[/color]" He faltered, internally cursed himself, continued. "[color=7685C9]I'm okay for now, gotta reorient myself with all this. Thank you, Delilah.[/color]" The gratitude was a bit [i]weak[/i] admittedly but it was earnest. God, he hoped he got used to this. [/color]