[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220729/023912a75a8a9b16c801799640a60148.png[/img] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/43/RoxasKHIII.png[/img] [h3]Twilight Town[/h3] [@Double], Roxas | [@Lugubrious], the Scout | [@Archmage MC], Sectonia | [@TruthHurts22], Wonder Red [b]Word Count:[/b] (574) +1 Exp [b]Level 2 Roxas[/b] (8/20)[/center] "Tour, huh?" replied Roxas once he was on the ground level. He'd never played the tour guide before, but how hard could it be? "Yeah, I think I can do that." he began to walk and motioned for the newcomers to follow him, "This is Twilight Town. Better get used to that sunset, because it never goes away around here." he was now leading them around via Market Street. Since it wound its way through pretty much all the districts, it was the perfect route to take for a tour. "The town's divided up into districts, and the Market Street we're currently on grants access to all of them in some way. It's also our shopping district, hence the name. I've never gone looking for a magic shop, myself, but I'll bet you can find one tucked away some place here in Market Street." he said, now noticing they were passing by their first exit that would lead to another district, "The direction you came from was Station Heights, and in [i]that[/i] direction-" he pointed to the exit they were passing, "is the Sandlot. It's mostly an empty lot, but we use it to hold various events and celebrations. I think they're prepping for an upcoming Struggle Tournament right now. Uh, that's a popular sport we play around here. You spar with another person using foam bats and try to pick up spheres your opponent drops when you hit them. When time runs out, the person who possesses the most spheres is the winner." As they continued on he recalled the second thing that Sectonia had asked about, "Hmm, well we [i]do[/i] have Le Grande Bistro. I think it's over there in that direction." he pointed off somewhere deeper in the Market Street, "It's down in the Tram Common section of Market Street, so the Tram goes right by it. As long you follow the track you'll find it no problem. They make all kinds of teas and other treats there. Though I'm more of an ice-cream guy myself. Speaking of..." he stopped when they passed by his favorite ice-cream vendor. Roxas bought a trio of ice-cream bars, light blue in color and one to each of the tourists, "Try a sea salt ice-cream. They're one of the most popular treats we have here. And my personal favorite too." As the tour continued, Roxas noted that they were about to pass by the road that led to the barracks. He made a gesture in that direction and said, "Down that way is the Barracks. It's the headquarters of the Town Militia. We take patrols and make sure things stay peaceful around here. We've also had to clear out occasional monsters that try to make their home in the Underground Concourse - er, that's an underground network of tunnels and sewers that run throughout town." Eventually the group would circle back around in the direction of Station Heights. But this time, Roxas made sure to show them the direction of the last district, "You can take the train to Sunset Terrace. It's more of a residential district but there are some breathtaking views there on Sunset Hill." he stopped a moment to think. He was pretty sure he covered everything, or at least most of it anyway, "I... think that about covers it all. The main stuff anyway. I'm sure you could probably find more things to see around town if you go looking for it."