From the forest, a voice called out in what the genasi recognize to be the Ignan dialect of Primordial. "Don't let them ring the bell!". The voice commanded. "Bring down the tower and stop any who try to reach the top!" In response to this, a trio of clean shaven male dwarves rushed from the trees, hefting stony mauls as they came. The leftmost dwarf is struck in the chest by Aura's Eldritch Blast, but manages to find the strength to continue advancing with the rest. The dwarf who was struck and one of his fellows take up position on either side of the tower and begin striking it with their mauls. The injured dwarf manages to knock away a small piece of the tower's support structure, but not enough to bring it down. The uninjured dwarf fares little better, being unable to deal any damage with his first swing. Meanwhile, the third dwarf circled around the tower to fight with Flicker. However, Flicker was ready for the initial attack and managed to expertly avoid the maul's oncoming blow. [hider=OOC] Three Attackers emerge from the trees, one of whom gets hit by Aura's Eldritch Blast. Blasted Attacker and one of his fellows attack the tower with their mauls. Blasted Attacker rolls a [url=]17[/url] and deals [url=]6[/url] points of damage. The Other Attacker rolls a [url=]12[/url] and deals no damage. The Third Attacker moves to attack Flicker, but rolls a [url=]10[/url] and deals no damage. [/hider]