[@Crowvette],[@AzureKnight] [center][color=f49ac2][h3]Liliana[/h3][/color][/center] [hr] Shizuka would see Liliana's eyes sparkle as her offer for help was taken, the little fairy disappearing in a flash of light before returning to her big size, likely a surprise for Io. [color=f49ac2][b]"Alright, let me go over everything I know!"[/b][/color] the fairy said, before drawing her sword and excitedly holding it aloft. What would follow would be the least helpful Fairy lecture ever given. Not because it was necessarily unhelpful, but because fairies didn't name things in the ways known to most humans and monsters. Too lazy to have sensible words or taxonomic documentation, Liliana would tell them about "Zoomy Shrooms", "Purple Gulpers", and "Bad-Blues". Liliana knew a ton about plants but...the names...the names were just nonsense. [color=f49ac2][b]"Oh, and there's also a ton of plants from Wonderlands that does crazy stuff to people. And I mean, really crazy. Mushrooms that make you think you're a king, plants that make you bigger or smaller, caterpillar tobacco, and Mad Hatter mushrooms. The last of which are sort of like...big human hats that make you go crazy."[/b][/color] [hr] [center][color=C48BD3][h3]Eula[/h3][/color][/center] [hr] Within the village of Otomo sat a young woman with a soul and body of steel. Until she was approached by Lady Kyouko, all walking by might have thought her a strange statue before she rose and followed the woman of means. While it was apparent that Lady Kyouko had the resources, she didn't wish for all-out assault to occur on the Varjans. A sensible decision, tactically speaking. It was much easier to defend a location than to assault it from sea. As such, Eula would have no objections to the plan and would faithfully adhere to Kyouko's instructions. Taking her place within the magic circle with a packed lunch of local food hanging off of a stick slung over her back, the Automaton would wordlessly accept the teleport, shutting her eyes and waiting for the magic to pass. Upon being greeted by Ayu, Eula would nod in response to her question of being part of Kyouko's task force, as well as being an Automaton. [color=C48BD3][b]"Correct. This unit is designated as Eula 039. I will seek out those in need of help and eliminate obstacles to Shizuyama's people. Priority Order received: Greet others."[/b][/color] Wasting no time to depart, Eula would march off in search of other individuals that were clearly out of place, finding three such members of the task force having a discussion in the temple. Peeking from around a corner, she would observe the three before walking up and bowing. [color=C48BD3][b]"Eula, 039. A pleasure to meet you."[/b][/color] Before anyone could get a word in edgewise she would depart, leaving Io, Shizuka, and Liliana with her greeting interrupting the conversation. Feeling more than ready to take on so-called "quests", Eula would disregard the stares being thrown at her. While many monsters could pass as human, the shine of metal on her cheeks was unmistakable. Her fashion was about as minimalistic as one could get as well, not helping her avoid the whispers of citizens. But that was okay. She didn't need to be liked to protect humans. When she would come upon a woman crying by a tree in the temple, Eula wouldn't hesitate to hear her out. [hider=Honey Trap]"Yokai, could I speak with you? A group of bandits is terrorizing Sanjo. They slaughtered my whole family, like animals! They were killed at our home, near a river. I am Saki, please avenge my family and stop those bandits."[/hider] [color=C48BD3][b]"Understood. While this unit is incapable of killing humans, I will gather allies in order to defeat these criminals."[/b][/color] With her promise made, Eula would begin to hunt for both information on the bandits, and allies that could help defeat or kill a large number of bandits. The three she'd seen in the temple seemed occupied with the human male among them looking tired, but there had to be others she could persuade to assist. After all, there was the very real possibility that in the event of fighting humans, Eula would pull her punches and be defeated. [hr] After the strange metal girl bowed to them and left, Liliana turned to her talking-buddies. [color=f49ac2][b]"...Uh...a-anyways, mushrooms, right..."[/b][/color]