[Center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/28hFcDbZ/Rain-Header-2.png[/img][/center] [Color=silver][b]Location:[/b][/color] Kobra Facility, New Mexico [Color=silver][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] The Team, specifically Aleen’a [@baraquiel] [hr] Viktor was in front of the wall by the time it was blasted open due to Kass’ and Alisa’s efforts. With the wall breached so suddenly (the shock). Zach only needed to add in the flash (the awe). The excitement Viktor had been feeling since the drive to the location had peaked the moment Zach spoke the magic words. [color=darkviolet]“Skrowerif! Selkraps!”[/color] At La Hoya, he left to counter surveil. In Gotham, he deployed without his equipment. Then Atlantis had him completely out of his own element…. And Vegas… let’s not even bring that mission up. This was the first time in months that Viktor felt he could use everything he had at his disposal. One might assume he set things in motion to be this way. [color=silver][i]“I know you’re all wondering what we’ll do once we break into the building in such a manner. It is very different than what we have typically done, but it is simple. As soon as Zatara disorientates our enemies within… We neutralize as many of them as possible. We lack the intel and waiting is not an option any of us should be comfortable with. So we overwhelm the enemy before they even realize what’s happening.”[/i][/color] This was Viktor’s guidance on the way to the facility, and it was current his objective, even now. He lunged through the opening first as Zach’s magic not only visually and auditorily disoriented anyone in the large area but the sparkles, something Viktor assumed was something Zach had improvised due to how dark the inside of the facility was. [color=silver][i]Good thinking![/i][/color] Only one person was in view, skillfully hanging from the overhead walkway equipped with a rifle. There was a brief moment where he felt he may have led everyone into a trap but there was no stopping now. No hesitation. Viktor leaped upward and grabbed the rifle by the barrel before punching toward her stomach, hoping a hard strike to her core would weaken the grip of her legs on the walkway. Whether she dropped or not, Viktor was taking her weapon with him.